Example sentences of "but [pron] [verb] [pron] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was expecting it to be bad , but nothing prepared me for this ! ’
2 But I knew nothing at all about Tohoku University , or about the city of Sendai .
3 Gerald Brennan , writing just two or three years after the war , says in The Face of Spain that the slow hand-clap to attract the attention of waiters had died out , but I heard it in several places in the north .
4 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
5 I know how to build those damned weapons but I know nothing about those fancy triggering devices . ’
6 But I left it at that .
7 but I put him on some medicine I got from the chemist and it seems to have calmed it down but his nose is more er hot and cold
8 Slow , he wrote , but I like it like that .
9 Mhm , I like it , but I like it like that better .
10 ‘ Well , I 'm sorry , but I like it like this , ’ she said .
11 ‘ I had to coax two into it because they are not very experienced cook , but I chose them for that very reason , ’ he says .
12 Now I filed my nail this morning cos it was catching , I did n't file it long enough obviously , but I filed it with that erm you know you opened up the
13 I w , but I liked him in that one on a Friday night .
14 I WAS married four years ago to a girl I loved very much , but I lost her to another man , because I was so incompetent when it came to having sex .
15 But I have nothing at all to complain about .
16 ‘ No ; but … but I guessed something like that had happened from what you said a while back . ’
17 But you know nothing of any kidnap ? ’
18 It would be possible , temporarily , to laugh at the wife being landed in trouble by the monk after her meretricious bargain with him , but she extricates herself from this problem in true fabliau manner .
19 But she knew nothing of these things .
20 There are undoubtedly higher mountains to climb , but something tells me underneath that Beatle wig lies a trace of genius .
21 There are undoubtedly higher mountains to climb , but something tells me underneath that Beatle wig lies a trace of genius .
22 Then again , as to the repairs : it may be that the original lease from the ground landlord contained covenants compelling repairs to be made by the lessee ; but we know nothing of such a lease or such covenants .
23 So you can take it up with the , the er do whatever he felt necessary , but we left it at that .
24 They 've taken his dabs and examined the mallet , but we left it at that when we knew the Yard had been called in and you were on your way .
25 But we had none of that from the Secretary of State tonight .
26 But we 've nothing like this , yet … "
27 ( " You had a good try and you used the right sounds : it sounds like that , but we write it like this " ) .
28 Correct both kinds of error by saying " Yes , that is the way it sounds , but we write it like this … " .
29 dir : But we do lots of those .
30 So right away you had Hawaiian choirs singing church music , but they tinged it with this Hawaiian melodic sense , which is like a different way of resolving a melody .
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