Example sentences of "but [pron] [verb] [pron] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is no good the person who gave the order later complaining ‘ But I meant you to do so-and-so ’ .
2 Unknown then , of course , but I knew she had talent .
3 But I mean I fuck question the the er the t question of the validity of the secretaries club in the Ambassador Hotel when it 's in bloody Receivership
4 If the floor needs washing , okay , I wo n't wash it , but I know it needs washing and it 'll go on nagging me until I 've washed it — so you ca n't win really .
5 ‘ My dear , ’ Wakelate said , after a few minutes , ‘ I know you are stricken with grief , but I fear you overstepped propriety just then . ’
6 Q : But I thought you wanted meat ?
7 I was thinking of doing a teddy but I thought I wanted sort of one , two or three things do n't you on the bottom ?
8 But I suppose you get insight er twenty per cent was she ca n't outrun him I think this bit she gets killed and she turns up in Little England , this come on .
9 I ca n't argue with this , but I urge him to include driving lessons in his New Year 's resolutions .
10 I know people get tired of appeals , but I urge them to organise fundraising for the echo-cardiograph equipment as undoubtedly a great number of people will follow me through the coronary unit and the machine will surely be of great help to them .
11 But I found it collected dust in a corner .
12 Yeah but you see it says Co-Op you see .
13 Her appetite had apparently disappeared through the door with Adam , but she forced herself to eat breakfast , knowing she had a long and probably arduous day to get through .
14 Perhaps it was her over-active imagination , or maybe she was getting used to that strange bland face and the enormous overhanging whale-like brow , but she felt she saw fear flit across it , momentarily .
15 That 's , well , it kind of lets my steam off a bit ; it does n't hurt , but she knows I mean business .
16 ] This does not imply that power has no role to play , but we think it invites confusion to explain organisational results that are predicted by the efficiency hypothesis in terms of power .
17 But they said you had pneumonia , Freddie .
18 Well , I like them a lot , but they make me feel kind of young and stupid at times . ’
19 The Inspirals are not big in Finland yet , but they reckon it makes sense to play small shows in far-flung corners of the globe .
20 Certainly , nobody else wanted me , but he said I had character . ’
21 Her disappointment appeared genuine , but he forced himself to phone Palottino .
22 He had the audacity to smile and Ruth squirmed frantically under him but he stilled her thrashing body with the weight of his own .
23 My father knew I would n't do biology , but he made me do chemistry and only a small amount of mathematics .
24 I was afraid I would have to move when Alan came back but he wanted someone to keep house for him so it worked out very well . ’
25 But he stopped her stammering mouth with a kiss .
26 I 've used a mixture of terry and disposable nappies which has worked well , and I think has saved money , but it meant I needed nappy buckets , rubber pants and pins .
27 But it helps you make sense of the world , you know , if you have an analysis to hang things on . ’
28 The comment may have been innocent enough , but it caused me to lose confidence in her and from that moment on something in me just froze .
29 But it has one redeeming feature , for the claim that paperwork needs to be completed is used as an excuse to avoid other types of police work which are disliked even more .
30 But it helped her to stop thinking .
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