Example sentences of "but [prep] the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But for the majority of teachers , the converse is true and changes in assessment are forcing changes in the curriculum .
2 However , as the WPGET ventures into a 13th season , it is pleasing to reflect that it has been lucky not just for some , but for the majority of women golfers , both amateur and professional .
3 He had laid newspaper in front of the range and was putting up blackouts at the windows so that , but for the glow of embers in the fire , there was almost total darkness .
4 The event is now a well-established tradition , but for the benefit of newcomers , a word about its flavour .
5 but for the flood of milirems pouring down , lying on the big machine is exceedingly restful .
6 All citizens have a responsibility to be involved in the politicoeconomic decisions which influence the AL of maintaining a safe environment — not necessarily for their own safety , but for the safety of others and especially for their children and , indeed , their children 's children .
7 The fact that a growing proportion of diplomats were now laymen whose fluency in Latin was often limited helped to accelerate this process , as did the fact that different nations pronounced the same Latin words in markedly different ways ; but as the language of treaties , especially those which involved a large number of states or in which the German states were concerned , Latin survived longer than as the language of negotiation .
8 The national independence of both Germany and Italy came not through agrarian revolution , but through the force of arms of established powers .
9 This approach is potentially useful since it suggests that women 's under-representation in public politics can be seen not simply in terms of women 's lack of interest in politics but of the ability of men to prevent women 's issues entering politics .
10 The attempt was not to take a sample of the total black population , but of the minority of sportsmen of proven excellence .
11 But this ‘ set ’ is the product not of equivalences , nor of violation of an external norm , but of the violation of norms which the text itself creates .
12 Royal taxation of the clergy was no longer a matter of law but of pragmatic politics , no more of meticulous definition but of the balance of pressures .
13 The Royal Commission ( 1949 , Chapter 15 ) while uncertain that the trend of ‘ national intelligence ’ really was downwards , felt that ‘ it is clearly undesirable for the welfare and cultural standards of the nation that our social arrangements should be such as to induce those in the higher income groups and the better educated and more intelligent within each income group to keep their families not only below replacement level but below the level of others ’ .
14 But despite the existence of tariffs for data communications that are independent of distance , the great decentralisation phenomenon has yet to be observed .
15 Up to £125 for emergency repairs ( including labour costs and towage but excluding the cost of parts ) to enable you to continue your journey .
16 But under the impact of historians who stress the period 's revolutionary quality , readings of Marvell 's poem as a political document celebrating the success of Cromwell in a positive frame have gained momentum .
17 The latter would work as before , but under the control of workers ' institutions .
18 But with the change of rules meaning Warwickshire have to let one of them go at the end of the season , which one will it be ?
19 This , referred to as the land settlement , was run by the peasants but with the supervision of officials from the agrarian reform agency .
20 But with the loosening of controls during the 1980s and the increasing contempt shown by local councillors towards planning , can we be confident this tidal flow of disenchanted refugees from the cities will not destroy the very qualities people find so attractive ?
21 But with the help of tapes sent by comedian Keith Harris and Shakin' Stevens , Carina , now 12 , pulled out of the coma .
22 But with the wearing of seatbelts now a legal requirement in many European countries and with adherence rates generally high ( much higher than in the US ) , the airbag is poised to make a significant contribution to lessening the head and chest injuries that even restrained drivers can suffer through impact with the steering wheel .
23 We can not view them directly , but with the aid of machines we utilise the penetrating power of short X-rays and gamma rays to look inside the human body and diagnose illnesses .
24 At Stage I VUPP had only 1.5 quotas but with the aid of transfers mainly from Armstrong ( Un ) and Maginnis ( UPNI ) as well as non-transfers from Republican Clubs the two VUPP candidates were elected .
25 But with the number of claims soaring , insurers now reckon they are losing money — so they are tightening up the rules or backing out altogether .
26 In these instances the segments differ little in size and proportions , but with the acquisition of wings a correlated specialization of the thorax usually results .
27 For instance , many speakers of English feel that the sub-classification of garden birds into sparrows , robins , thrushes , blackbirds , etc. is comparable not with the division of animals into dogs , cats , sheep , and so on , but with the sub-classification of dogs into spaniels , poodles , alsatians , and the like .
28 No doubt Fergie would rather have signed his international mate Jean-Pierre Papin , but with the dearth of strikers on the market right now he will be well satisfied …
29 They do not , like other fines , go into the public purse but into the pocket of victims who have already been compensated by the same jury for damage to their reputation .
30 This was a very different place to Gloucester , where the Empress 's ladies were virtually servants themselves , but in the flurry of introductions and orders for a place in the ladies ' chamber to be made ready for her Isabel forgot about comparisons .
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