Example sentences of "but [prep] [det] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But for all those aspects of your book that arise directly from police activity you will indeed have to find out what are the real-life facts .
2 But for that youthful aberration on your father 's part , you and not I would be the Earl of Kinmuire , ’ Mr Harvey had said .
3 But for any good ideas to work , we have to restore a sense of decency , of caring and an understanding of shared concern for the fabric of our community .
4 Pharmacists are not only willing to talk to you about medicines but about many other aspects of health as well — and in private if you prefer other customers not to hear .
5 They played together a couple of evenings every month , but after that first time by mutual consent they never made love in her house , any more than they did in his .
6 No other institution in Britain has such a body of expertise in the study of oral tradition , not only of Scotland , but of many other cultures in Europe and beyond .
7 If that were to happen every time there were a referral to the European Court the laws , not just of this country but of all other members of the EC , would be in chaos .
8 If more education raises the productivity not merely of an individual worker but of all other workers with whom this worker co-operates , there is a production externality that the individual does not take into account in choosing how much education to purchase .
9 There will be gifts and sweets for the children , but of much more interest to their mums and dads will be the special anniversary sale offers .
10 But below these skilled aristocrats of labour were men in the press shop , who would design a press to mass produce a part , and others who would more likely earn 1s 6d per hour , or less , based upon a piece-work arrangement .
11 But despite all those programmes on television and articles in newspapers and magazines the fact still remains , an awful lot of people do have problems when they go shopping .
12 AD 620 there were rare English imitations of Frankish coin , but despite any possible tendency for this coin to become currency , it would still have found its greatest use for high-value transactions and storage .
13 But despite some lovely touches from him , Rangers kept the initiative .
14 But despite this slight shift in the taboos , as late as the 1920s Havelock Ellis and Albert Moll were still able to recommend little metal suits of armour fitted over the genitals and attached to a locked belt as prophylaxis for masturbation , and sex education books continued to inveigh against the solitary vice well into the second half of the century .
15 But despite this promising start to his career , there were complications to come , as Adams recalls .
16 Thirty years afterwards Charles still felt deeply the humiliation he suffered at this time ; but unlike some little princes in similar situations , he lived , politically as well as literally , to fight another day .
17 But like all these sorts of research findings it is difficult to know whether the accountants became cautious as a result of their training or whether the cautious attitude developed in the family as children .
18 Commas help your reader to understand the structure of a sentence , but like any other kind of detailed structuring they risk interfering with reading instead of helping it .
19 She 's been compared to everybody from Harriet Wheeler to Liz Cocteau to Madonna and sounds , not like a teenage girl from the wilds of rural Limerick , but like several teenage girls from the wilds of rural Limerick , a heavenly host of exultant angels and three hundred trembling divas singing their battered old hearts out .
20 But behind this typical example of dreary industrial architecture , much is going on which should encourage us .
21 But under all four Presidents of the Fifth Republic the state and public sector actors remained the lodestone , the reference point , of communications policy-making : the dominant political force of the day uses state patronage to fashion the communications landscape in a manner conducive to its interests . ’
22 This case typifies how the brief problem-solving approach can be used in clinical work , not just with attempted suicide patients , but with many other people in crisis situations .
23 Tolls taken by the Durfort in the Agenais hampered the economic development of some Cistercian houses of the region , and the abbeys of Moissac , Belleperche and Grandselve engaged in litigation not only with the Plantagenet king-dukes but with many local seigneurs in defence of their rights and revenues .
24 One by one they sauntered out , or clustered together for safety in great rushes : all in theoretical navy and white , but with such imaginative variation in those two colours and where and how placed , and in what fabric , as to make their apparel singularly unalike .
25 This treatment very quickly caught on amongst those prescribing for syphilis , but with some embarrassing results for those who took the treatment .
26 The ‘ bough of wilding ’ remains , perhaps an accidental association , but with some symbolic force of mystery , like the mythical Golden Bough , in communicating with the dead .
27 There was slight muddying of some tones , and the bass end could be made so heavy that it wiped out the rest of the mix , but with some careful EQ'ing during mixdown I ended up with a result which would be more than acceptable as a demo tape .
28 but with some bad bouts of livestock disease instead of phylloxera — England , because of her political and social structure , had to do without tariffs .
29 But with some 400 kilometres of coastline there are plenty of beaches to discover without every having to descend on the more developed resorts of Magaluf and El Arenal in the south .
30 It was these communities that saw the greatest pattern of change during the middle ages although , with a couple of notable exceptions , this was a very long process indeed but with some sudden shifts of direction .
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