Example sentences of "but [prep] [verb] [pos pn] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Darren Kerry bought his house for sixty three thousand pounds with two brothers but after losing his job he fell behind with his mortage payments … he begged Citibank , with whom he had the loan to reduce the payment … he even found a buyer prepared to pay sixty three thousand pounds … but with interest he then owed sixty five thousand pounds … and Citibank apparently refused to allow him to sell it …
2 But after checking his credentials they found he was a prize chump — forklift driver Nigel Mansell , from Byran-cum-Sutton , West Yorks .
3 He is far from being one of the outer world , but in reading his work we constantly feel the influence upon him of his reading of the worst English poets .
4 My parents both have well-paid jobs but without selling their house they could not afford such a sum , and I doubt if many people could .
5 Leith smiled pleasantly , but on turning her head she suddenly met Naylor 's gaze full on .
6 Having to hold the button down all the time made it a bit awkward for looking out of the side window , but by craning her neck she could just manage to see the hole to the rear of the craft .
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