Example sentences of "but [adj] be [vb pp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 OK , so you 'd probably end up getting gunned down by the SAS or something , but that 's got to be a better end for a bunch of real rock terrorists than ending up as a Levi 's advert .
2 The traditional method of slaughter by slow strangulation might well seem revolting but that is admitted to be a ‘ waning practice ’ .
3 But this is bound to be so , granted Quine 's case for the role of theory in interpreting experience .
4 But this is seen to be the reason why forces or energies are transferred or transmitted across what has continually been regarded by so many scientists as ‘ empty space ’ .
5 A caller to a newspaper claimed responsibility on behalf of the ‘ Commander of the Combined Forces ’ ; but this is reckoned to be a hoax .
6 The efficacy of speed limits thus depends on drivers ' self-discipline , but this is known to be lax , particularly as modern cars are neither designed nor advertised to encourage low-speed driving .
7 The snowy owl assemblage has a deficit for the molars of their prey but an excess for the incisors , but this is considered to be an inconsistency due to small sample size for the incisors .
8 The songs fell together in a muddy pool of short-sighted production : not a bad début album by any standards but this was intended to be a complete signal post in the history of popular music .
9 In addition , Wagaddon , publishers of the magazine , had its own legal bill , but this was said to be less than £35,000 .
10 Too much sugar was being produced , so the excess was made into aguardente ( sugarcane rum ) but this was said to be causing alcoholism as the unemployed took to drinking cheap aguardente .
11 A 1986 U.S. study found an increased risk to expectant mothers , but this was said to be a small sample , which was followed by two further studies .
12 The fear must be that Clinton might unpick some of the deals , such as the one on agriculture , but this was thought to be unlikely , given his commitment to moving out of recession .
13 ( It used to be at more frequent intervals , but this was found to be too disruptive . )
14 But this was shown to be an unattainable goal for the simple reason that the meaning of an existential proposition can not be made fully clear without making use of some existential proposition or other as part of the explanans .
15 But this was meant to be a family day … and they came in their thousands … the Shetland Pony Grand National was as big an attraction as the thoroughbred races .
16 They 've been banned from sale in Oxfordshire , but hundreds are believed to be in circulation across the country .
17 But 90 was thought to be too many to be easily controlled from the centre , which meant retaining the existing tier of regional administration as an executive arm of government , while the variation in population size was tackled by creating a third tier of management in large areas : the district .
18 No porosity or permeability data has been published for the oolitic grainstones but these are known to be porous in the southern North Sea and Poland where they display both primary inter-granular and leached intragranular pores ( Taylor and Colter 1975 ; Peryt and Piatkowski 1977 ; Peryt 1978 ) .
19 A few of the players such as Jim McKeever and Phil Stuart reside in Belfast but all are expected to be in Dublin not only to be feted but to cheer on the present day Oak Leaf county heroes .
20 Some were canonised and others — like Eckhart and Tauler — were hounded by the Church , but all were seen to be of enormous importance by their contemporaries , even by people who could not follow them into the inner world .
21 Some have integral push-button or cord-pull switches , but most are designed to be controlled by a remote switch sited elsewhere in the room .
22 Some of those arrested were released last night , but most were believed to be still in custody at RUC interrogation centres in Belfast and Armagh , held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act , the Official Secrets Act and common law .
23 Some patients had voiced initial apprehension about their continuing to receive medication , but most were thought to be neutral about fundholding .
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