Example sentences of "but [adj] have [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But that had been just harmless , meaningless attraction .
2 It had officially been called the York Minster , or similar , but that had been too passé for Soho 's artist colony .
3 He had a little pink around his muzzle and eyes when I bought him two years ago , but this has been gradually increasing and is now quite extensive .
4 The interior is lit partly by the 16 windows in each dome which are set above the springing line , but this has been less effective since the thirteenth century when the outer cupolas were constructed .
5 The continuous darkness of the winter time could be made use of , but this has been less attractive both to volunteers and experimenters .
6 Obviously , as erm I am in fact the local member referred to in er in the reports and erm it 's quite true that erm , it 's rare with some of these erm parking proposals that you get so much positive response from the residents but this has been very evident .
7 But these have been relatively rare phenomena , with small , alternative media constantly struggling to survive and dependent on financial support from donor agencies due to women 's inability to pay for such information flows .
8 In reactors where there is a little organic matter , the fission products are trapped on clay minerals , but these have been less effective than bitumen — about 30 per cent of the ND has been lost and other lanthanides have migrated away from the core .
9 All have been duly diagnosed and dealt with — but all have been quite separate from my varied catalogue of imaginary disasters like adolescent appendicitis and last week 's coronary .
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