Example sentences of "from [pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Neurosurgeons have successfully moved a blood clot from her brain and are keeping a close watch on her .
2 It was a crisp Saturday morning in February , and the young man had picked her up from her flat and was driving them to a motor-racing track in the heart of Surrey .
3 Pushing his arms into the waistcoat , which he then buttoned up the wrong way in his confusion , he pointed to the girl who had lifted the veil of wet hair from her face and was peeking out of one eye .
4 She had successfully banished the photograph from her mind and was gazing outside , down at the sunlit seashore , her eyes searching for Emily , when Mrs Birkin appeared .
5 After the incident of the doll , at irregular intervals other objects precious to her had disappeared from her room or been broken in her absence .
6 Each bump is as little as six angstroms or , six 10-billionths of a metre from its neighbour and was snapped by passing an electric current through the silicon , across a vacuum and up into the tip of an electrode moving across the surface .
7 The knife glinted briefly from its sheath and was concealed again .
8 These too need to be distributed , for it is better that the next generation should grow away from the parent plant , where they will not suffer from its shade or be deprived of sustenance by its roots .
9 What changed all that was a book Suffer Little Children by a St Andrews doctor , David Reid , who runs his own Medical Institute for Research into Child Cruelty from his home and is known for controversial views on the causes of child abuse .
10 At the question , her head jerked up and she saw that Vitor had awakened from his nap and was frowning at her .
11 After all , he could have been thrown from his horse and been lying injured on the moors in the middle of a fierce storm .
12 Persuaded by advisers to leave the battlefield , he fell from his horse and was carried , injured , into a nearby mill .
13 Balor had unbuttoned his jerkin and brushed the crumbs from his front and was preparing to take a snooze .
14 The concern faded from his face and was replaced by something else .
15 Joseph noticed out of the corner of his eye that Khai Dinh had risen from his seat and was walking slowly in his ponderous Ming boots towards the door .
16 Jake had risen from his seat and was standing to face her .
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