Example sentences of "from [num] [noun] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Delegates emerging from eight hours of talks by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries in Vienna said that the proposals could remove up to 1.4 million barrels from the present combined production of about 25 million barrels per day ( bpd ) by cartel members .
2 Former President Ahmed Ben Bella , 73 , returned from 10 years of exile in France and Switzerland on Sept. 27 .
3 It announced a policy of clearing 60,000 trees from 12,000 miles of track in the South-East .
4 Parietal cells were detected in all stomachs on slides stained with haematoxylin and eosin , from 13 weeks of gestation to 21 postnatal weeks .
5 A weak interaction between knowledge sources necessarily gives a hierarchical flow of information from one level of description to the next , as activation proceeds bottom-up through the system .
6 By his continual switching from one level of style to another , and his equally continual use of characters as ‘ internal reflectors ’ of embarrassment or suspicion , Tolkien showed at least that he was aware of that very predictable mistake , and ready to do what he could to help his readers round it .
7 It was by no means uncommon for teachers to switch from one type of grouping to another as the activities of individuals and groups of children changed .
8 The degree to which this applies varies from one type of benefit to another : it is highest for unemployment benefit followed by disability and retirement pensions in that order .
9 Marx 's theory of the major historical transitions from one type of society to another discovers their prime cause in changes in the ‘ mode of production of material life ’ , which result from the development of the forces of production and bring about a more or less rapid transformation of the ‘ entire immense superstructure ’ in a period of social revolution .
10 Marx 's concept of a social revolution — that is , a major transition from one type of society to another — says nothing directly about the use of violence ; although Marx , and some later Marxists , undoubtedly thought that in most cases the political revolutions through which such transitions are finally accomplished and the new society securely established would require an armed struggle .
11 In recent years there has been some evidence that they are even more evasive , changing identity by oscillating from one type of neutrino to another .
12 This was originally discovered in birds , where seed-eaters were seen to switch from one type of seed to another from time to time , regardless of the nutritional similarity of the seeds .
13 The global movement away from reregulation towards deregulation is then a switch from one type of regulation to another .
14 They reveal the ‘ dark number ’ of crimes , which varies widely from one type of crime to another .
15 This suggests that the whole tool-kit of genes evolved just once , and has since been transferred from one kind of prokaryote to another .
16 The point of his advice is not just to authorise " medeled liyf " which the lord is anyhow pursuing : He can cut from one kind of state to the other with joy ; this is for him precisely how love is to be ordained .
17 But exploitation produces conflict and it is because of the conflict inherent in each stage of development that history is the unfolding of a drama in which we move from one kind of society to another and which ultimately leads to socialism .
18 You will either have to switch continually from one kind of activity to the other , or divide the role up .
19 The first principle holds that in stable communication , it is conventional to regard the same word as having consistent meaning from one occasion of use to another .
20 Their composition differs from one species of bacterium to the next .
21 It will increase God s purpose is to change us by his Spirit within us ( the word ‘ change ’ is used in the Gospels to denote Jesus ' transfiguration ! ) ; and to change us from one degree of glory to another .
22 Well , the work of the Spirit in the believer is supremely to transform us from one degree of glory to another : that is to say , to make us more and more like Christ .
23 One must bear in mind that the transition from one style of life to the next was gradual and there was considerable overlap .
24 They do not try to prove causal relationships but they do try to understand how events bring about change from one state of affairs to another .
25 Catastrophies , involving sudden change from one state of equilibrium to another , as stress and strain build up , are familiar to all of us , emotionally and physically .
26 For example , the frequencies of vowels and consonants ( in speech ) of letters ( in writing ) , of word classes and of common words are relatively constant from one variety of English to another .
27 At an earlier stage in my career I was transferred from one division of ICI to a new one .
28 The gurgling male , alternately bowing down and rearing up , chased the female from one row of tiles to the next .
29 This process has continued from one generation of Homoeopaths to the next so that instead of the new discoveries sweeping away all the previous ideas , as commonly occurs in many ‘ scientific ’ studies , the knowledge of remedies , known as Materia Medica , is continually being added to , developed and refined .
30 ‘ OALD 's reputation passes from one generation of students to the next , and also seems to carry authority in a way its rivals do not , perhaps because of its family resemblance to the Oxford English Dictionary . ’
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