Example sentences of "from [noun prp] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But their efforts to collect the money from Germany met with little success ; and when French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr in 1923 in an attempt to force payment , the German economy collapsed amidst wild inflation ( CORE , pp. 6–7 ) .
2 Schoolboy John Stevens from Uddingston suffered from rheumatoid arthritis as a child and spent a year in hospital .
3 By night the solitary road from Verdun came under constant fire from the German gunners , certain that French munition columns must be coming up it nose to tail .
4 Iraq 's action in setting fire to an estimated 600 oil wells prior to withdrawing from Kuwait resulted in widespread air pollution over the northern Gulf region .
5 Production of cotton in Uganda grew from 20,000 bales in 1920 to 400,000 in 1935 ; exports of palm oil from Zaire grew from 40,000 tonnes in 1915 to 150,000 tonnes in 1935 .
6 We are drinking 60 per cent more Alsatian wine that we were five years ago ; in the first six months of 1990 imports from Alsace rose by 26 percent .
7 M. Shirley Emerson , a GP from Cambridge married to another GP , writes : ‘ On the whole I think women whinge too much about the inability of men to cope , but probably give them little chance to practise .
8 The NRF had originated from a combination of Swedish Red-and-Whites crossed to Ayrshires ( imported since the 1860s ) , and by 1960 it had absorbed the graded-up Red Trondheim ( a horned breed from Ayrshires crossed to local cattle between 1850 and 1891 ) and the Hedmark , another local type of the Swedish Red-and-White .
9 A Royal Air Force Sea King helicopter from Lossiemouth battled against strong winds to airlift him to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness , but he died there at about 6:30pm on Saturday .
10 Astra from Letchworth advised on instructional techniques .
11 George Kirk , who works in Chemical Plants , battled round in four and a half hours while John Kenny from FDPED finished in three hours 18 minutes .
12 The Spanish Civil War , which began in July 1936 when General Franco 's fascist troops from Morocco landed in southern Spain , exerted a major impact upon the international political scene and , nationally , upon the attitude of the right and left in Britain .
13 Three from the Cambridge crew and two from Oxford rowed for American Universities but , of these , the Justicz brothers , though of Czechoslovakian extraction , are British .
14 The 1941 paper from Oxford led to some comments in the press , which included reference to Fleming and to Oxford , but Fleming 's first substantial clinical observation with penicillin appears to have occurred in August 1942 , when a patient , an employee of Fleming 's brother 's optical firm , was failing to respond to treatment for meningitis in St Mary 's Hospital .
15 The escape from France described in Flying Colours offers him the chance of the kind of swift , concrete description in which he excels but too often the pace slackens overmuch as Hornblower 's emotions are analysed with an almost sentimental thoroughness .
16 A. human bone from Turkey buried in alkaline soil with scrub oak vegetation , showing extensive root marks that have coalesced to give an appearance of surface corrosion ; B. sheep bone from stream ( pH 5.4 ) in Wales showing the result of long term immersion in water , with breakdown of the surface structure of the bone and formation of large scale pitting ; C. bovid bone from Tanzania which was buried in the floor of a hyaena den and subjected to trampling and decay from urine and organic acids , destructuring the surface leaving large scale pits and occasional islands of unaltered surface bone ; D. horse bone from Sphagnum bog in Dartmoor ( pH 3.5 ) showing acid etching of the bone producing pitting following and enlarging original structures in the bone .
17 The Patel community was said to have been founded around 1700 , when six brothers from Persia settled in six villages in the fertile Charotar region of Gujerat .
18 A quality innings of 46 from Crowe ended after 135 minutes when he had to play a Lewis leg-cutter and the ball carried to second slip Hick , who lunged forward to reach and hold it .
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