Example sentences of "from [pers pn] [conj] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As it happened , I emerged a little late and I fear I rather startled the young gentleman , who immediately pulled his attaché case away from me and clutched it to his chest with both arms .
2 Mrs McDougall , with a quick , concerned look at me , took my basket from me and dumped it on the counter .
3 The three youths waited , debating within themselves whether honour had been satisfied as he took his attention from them and returned it to Marion ; and suddenly , as his eyes burned into her like a couple of lasers , it was as if the two of them stood alone and everything else was just background .
4 She drew back from him and took him at his word .
5 They tried to grab the cash from him and knocked him to the ground .
6 He thinks the Ukrainian probably was killed and someone stole it from him and got it to Europe . ’
7 She wriggled away from him and stared him in the face .
8 Jack snatched it from him and tore it in two .
9 Windeler took the sheet from him and slipped it into a drawer in the desk .
10 Julius immediately took the receiver away from her and replaced it on the rest .
11 She made a grab for her shirt but Felipe took it from her and flung it into the back .
12 Melissa took the tray from her and carried it to the buffet , while Juliette covered her face with a towel .
13 He took her room key from her and slid it into the lock , and she felt suddenly breathless .
14 The Doctor took it from her and placed it on his head .
15 He took it from her and placed it on her shoulders , and she had to fight an urge to simply lean back into the solid warmth of his powerful frame .
16 He took the tablets from her and swallowed them with a mouthful of water .
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