Example sentences of "she had been in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Strange , she had been in Denmark for so short a time yet in those few days she had learned so much , not only about herself but about a country she had never even considered visiting before Suzie 's escapade .
2 And she had been in London for less than a month .
3 She had been in love with Alexander .
4 She had projecting teeth and told everyone who would listen that she had been in love with Yorick since she was twelve .
5 It was only because his repeated invitations had made her think that maybe the young man did need the support of someone familiar that she had agreed to come to Lisbon — and because , after a hardworking summer , she had been in need of a break .
6 None of this mess was of her making , yet she was just as much a prisoner as if she had been in gaol like Clive .
7 They had evidently been sent by Judith : she had been in control of the treasure they brought with them , and , interestingly , of Charles 's regalia .
8 Her eighteen-month jail sentence was reduced on appeal — but not before she had been in prison for six months . )
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