Example sentences of "she have [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 The Princess of Wales may not have been quick to learn at school — possibly because her lessons did not interest her much — but she has certainly made up for lost time since her marriage .
2 She said she could n't stay , that she had just dropped in for a minute .
3 Aware that there was no accepted path for women in deacons ' orders in the Church of England , she had nevertheless looked around for a curacy which would put her in possession of solid parish experience .
4 In one blinding flash then , she had realised how much she had actually given up for Paul in a futile attempt to avert his jealous outbursts — friends , family , social life , even smiling …
5 But it was a tersely worded compliment , and as he turned to take an olive from the tray of hors-d'oeuvres already laid out on a side-table , her stabbing disappointment told Belinda that he was the person she had really dressed up for today , though what she wanted to prove to him she did n't quite know .
6 We 've already seen how carefully planned customer flow can encourage the shopper to leave with a loaded basket when she had only popped in for a loaf of bread or a pint of milk .
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