Example sentences of "she have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She has also appeared in several national magazines due to her prowess at sewing a fine seam .
2 She has finally taken off that pretentious pair of shades .
3 When you consider the life of Hannah Hauxwell and the privations she has quietly suffered for most of her life , it is reasonable to describe her as a true daughter of Balder .
4 She was still feeling somewhat shaken an hour later — she was going to Prague — and with Ven ! — when suddenly she realised that she 'd barely moved since that phone call .
5 I think she 'd rather gone off this Yank . ’
6 She was a make-up artist , for goodness ' sake — she 'd seen any number of half-naked male actors in her time , but she 'd never reacted like this before .
7 She 'd hardly changed at all .
8 However , by no stretch of the imagination would she have ever referred to this magnificent house as a ‘ cottage ’ .
9 She had rarely felt like this before but too much was now oppressing her .
10 But as I whirled round I saw that she had already taken off most of her clothes .
11 She had never felt with this intensity before , and knew she never would again , unless it was Travis who was holding her .
12 She did n't like to own up to the fact that she now stood a little in awe of him , and she had never felt like that with either Mr Martin or his father before him because , in their own ways , they had both been free and easy .
13 She had never felt like this about Cliff before Debbie was born .
14 She had never felt like this before in her entire life , knew she would never feel like this for any other man .
15 She had never felt like this before , she thought dazedly .
16 She had never realized before that Adam had grown to look so like his father .
17 Sitting alone and still grieving , in the one-bedroom bungalow , she did something she had never done in all her 38 years of married life .
18 She could see its possibilities straight away , something she had never seen in those gloomy other chambers .
19 Perhaps , she thought , it was because she had never lived in this house .
20 A neighbour who heard the bell , a sound she had never heard in all her fifteen years in the street , puzzled over it for half an hour and then went across the road to the school .
21 Fran walked with him to the door , wishing that she had never agreed to this in the first place .
22 One worry had faded , but she still wished she had never agreed to this charade .
23 She had never responded to any man in her whole life as she did to Felipe .
24 She had never thought of that before either .
25 Much as she disliked living with her grandmother , she had never thought of any other arrangement in concrete terms .
26 She had never thought of this .
27 And then a swift , burning anger , such as she had never known in all her life , welled up inside her , rose like bile in her throat .
28 She had never got over that chap who left her in the lurch all those years ago .
29 Earlier in life she had loved music passionately , but after Montaine 's suicide she had never listened to another note .
30 She had never helped with any of the bills , so he felt that the house was his alone .
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