Example sentences of "she look back [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Today , as Patricia , now 17 , sets about rebuilding her life , she looks back on the experience with a mixture of hatred , bitterness , anger and irony .
2 She looked back on the transformation in herself with a kind of helpless resignation .
3 She looked back at the shelter where theirs was the only car .
4 When she looked back at the road , the red saloon was coming towards her .
5 She looked back at the stepping-stones , over which the river was rushing noisily .
6 She looked back at the painting with redoubled surprise .
7 Then instinctively she looked back at the building , and upwards towards Luke 's room .
8 When she looked back at the window there was the face again ; but it was attempting now to smile .
9 She looked back at the man and said , ‘ Where is this ? ’
10 And then she looked back at the bed and saw the naked longing in his eyes , and something that was better than desire and that was more enduring than passion broke within her , and she moved forward , and said , ‘ Oh , my dear love ’
11 She looked back at the policeman .
12 She looked back at the waves and pulled hard and carefully with her oars .
13 She looked back at the huddle of low-roofed buildings .
14 She looked back at the reality of him , forcing him to look back at her and meet her eyes .
15 She looked back at the cupboard , wondering if she ought to give any other heart drugs .
16 As she walked out of the workshop , she looked back at the flat they had been painting .
17 She looked back at the Arab .
18 Before she climbed the wide wooden steps , where a frenzy of bougainvillaea covered the handrails , she looked back down the jetty .
19 He does n't seem to realize = ’ Her sentence hung as she looked back down the room to where Oliver and Linda were standing alone .
20 It was a contradiction in terms , Lisa found herself thinking as she looked back across the desk at him .
21 She looked back towards the fig tree and saw that the toad had lumbered off into the tangled garden , perhaps to rejoin its tormentor .
22 Not knowing what else to say , she looked back towards the stage area in time to see a man with a fiddle emerge from a side-room , and all conversation magically hushed .
23 When she looked back towards the house , Carla 's face was at the window , peering out like a sailor 's wife watching for masts at the quayside .
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