Example sentences of "'s [adj -est] [noun] [was/were] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 By the mid-Fifties , many of MGM 's greatest stars were drifting away , either voluntarily or forced , as the accountants hacked away at costs .
2 SOME of the world 's finest minds were feeling decidedly brain-washed today — by an Australian soap opera .
3 The privatization of industry in the Czech Lands began on Aug. 8 when 50 of the republic 's largest businesses were put up for sale on international markets .
4 There was also a particular association of such patronage with Carolus Magnus — " senior Charles " who from young Charles 's earliest years was held up as a role-model for him .
5 My career as the world 's fastest cyclist was ended sharply by my protruding teeth .
6 Last night , major retail chains said they were confident the Government 's latest figures were borne out in their sales , and in at least one case , Scotland appeared to be performing better than England .
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