Example sentences of "'s [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Provisions amounting to £5.1m have been made against Harland Simon 's total exposure of £5.1m at 31 March 1992 .
2 Consider someone 's total state of consciousness at a particular moment , comprising various perceptual experiences , thoughts , imaginings , feelings and so forth .
3 All stress the role of grace and man 's total dependence upon God for salvation : they point out that good works are not the result of human will-power but are in some mysterious way the actions of God himself .
4 The latest estimates put the SADCC 's total target for funds at $6,300 million for a total of 490 projects , of which $3,000 million was already in place , 80 per cent of it in the form of foreign aid .
5 Afterwards he could n't tell if he had dreamed it , but he was sure little Tero drew close to Maldita several times , trying to prop her up , and twice he felt Tero 's timid nudge of encouragement in his back when he was buckling with exhaustion .
6 Prior to that it had been viewed in terms of an individual 's placatory act of redemption to the deity ( or deities ) and later as a rite of initiation into the tribe , so marking the male 's passage firstly to ordinary , profane existence and secondly to full , public and potentially active membership of society .
7 The ability to make long-range plans is at a premium in early middle game , and the machine 's low level of ability in this department usually gets it into terrible trouble .
8 As Professor Moule has written in an unpublished paper , ‘ to generalise the Holy Spirit and use the term to denote God 's activity anywhere and everywhere , is to miss the biblical theme of election for service , and to ignore God 's strange way of particularising in order to universalise . ’
9 And there was no man in the kingdom who knew better than Owen what Hotspur 's disdainful answer had been to the council 's shameful proposal of murder in place of magnanimity .
10 Duva was reacting to Lewis 's astounding second round knockout of ‘ Razor ’ Ruddock amid wild scenes in the early hours of Sunday morning at London 's Earls Court .
11 The first occurred on 11 April when Tahir Seyhan , an official of the People 's Labour Party in Dargecit in the province of Mardin , died after four days under interrogation .
12 The Library is marking the holding of December 's European Summit in Edinburgh with a display of some of its treasures — the books , maps and manuscripts which tell the story of Scotland 's long involvement in Europe and our shared inheritance .
13 The workshop , which was the first of its kind to bring together producers from both Western and Eastern Europe , was organised by WACC 's European Region in cooperation with the Lutheran World Federation .
14 THE bomb squad and sniffer dogs swept through Welford Road Stadium hours before the South African rugby team 's historic return to England after 23 years .
15 The draft agreement would guarantee Guatemalan access to the Caribbean and could , if ratified by both sides and confirmed by public referendum , lead to the abandonment of Guatemala 's historic claim to sovereignty over Belize .
16 The board expects a similar percentage increase in next year 's interim dividend from 6.75p to 7p .
17 Since there seems to be some doubt about the matter , it should be made clear that the High Court 's inherent jurisdiction in relation to children — the parens patriae jurisdiction — is equally exercisable whether the child is or is not a ward of court : see In re M. and N. ( Minors ) ( Wardship : Publication of Information ) [ 1990 ] Fam. 211 , 223G .
18 The man had spent about thirty minutes behind the wheel of a Land Rover Discovery like this one … they 'd followed Geoff 's normal route from Banbury to the village of Mollington , onto Cropredy , then back into Banbury .
19 First , the Trust 's long-term programme of footpath restoration in the Lake District was internationally recognised last year by the award of DX Nostra 's prestigious Medal of Honour for the repair of the ancient packhorse route over Sty Head Pass in Borrowdale .
20 MANKIND 'S eternal quest for knowledge about the Universe has been fired afresh in recent years by the spectacular revolution brought about by new astronomy and space technology .
21 Latin America 's weak position in relation to world capitalism was further confirmed in the aftermath of the Second World War , when drastic reductions in import-demand from the war-torn European economies plunged Latin America back into recession .
22 Is it not clear from today 's awful rise in unemployment to more than 2.5 million that the recession is continuing ?
23 In retaliation , the Soviet Union threatened to curtail its purchases altogether , and in the midst of this dissension better prospects for the wool made together with modifications in US tariff regulations concerning wool made it unnecessary to reverse the decline in Uruguay 's short-lived burst of trade with the Soviet Union .
24 Such material was part of most introductory courses in British geography degree programmes a few decades ago — using texts such as Forde ( 1934 ) — but today the topic is much less studied , though there are notable exceptions such as Brookfield 's collaborative work with anthropologists in Melanesia ( Brookfield and Brown , 1963 ) and Watts 's ( 1983 ) detailed study of northern Nigeria .
25 The investment funds have placed their bets on Mr Greenwald , who helped Chrysler revive after the firm 's narrow escape from bankruptcy in 1979 .
26 In short , the United States standard of review was akin to having Lord Greene M.R. 's narrow sense of unreasonableness as the only basis for attack ; it was the United States ' courts who adopted a ‘ kid glove ’ approach compared to their United Kingdom counterparts .
27 Habermas develops the notion of ideology from critical theory 's broad concern with culture to an analysis of its role in sustaining rationality and resisting the economic and political crises characteristic of capitalism .
28 The government 's Economic Survey of Japan for 1952 noted that the products of heavy industry were typically 30–40 per cent more expensive than in other countries , because of high materials costs and low productivity .
29 Under the terms of the pact Taiwan was permitted to operate 20 fishing vessels within Kiribati 's economic zone in return for annual payments of $250,000 .
30 It is equally difficult to present the ‘ Liberal Toryism ’ of the 1820s or Sir Robert Peel 's economic liberalism as precursors of ‘ libertarian ’ Conservatism .
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