Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] had [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The insurers also sought to distinguish Lawrence by contending that in that case the student 's money had not passed to the taxi driver and that the student had not conferred on the taxi driver the rights of an owner .
2 Walahfrid in Theodoric 's Statue had already hinted at his disaffection : Pippin was not among the family party at Aachen in August 829 , but stayed at home .
3 Dulé 's canoe had not foundered in the first rounds of gunfire , but kept skimming on towards the Rebecca , with the remaining boats still around him , offering cover .
4 Zoe had admitted her tactics in a weak moment , but sensing Louise 's disgust had n't referred to them since .
5 At the end of 1919 Lenin showed Russian indifference by offering virtually all of Belorussia to Poland in order to stave off a Polish offensive , but the most telling instance of Russia 's attitude had already occurred after the German withdrawal in December 1918 , when the Northwestern Regional Committee of the Russian Communist Party held a conference at Smolensk .
6 Meanwhile in the cabinet debate over spending cuts the chancellor 's eye had inevitably fallen on defence .
7 ‘ What of myself , maman ? ’ asked the prince , since his mother 's attention had apparently veered to the completion of her move .
8 Meanwhile two members of Swift 's crew had also jumped on board to ensure that all persons on the vessel were accounted for .
9 Dalgliesh 's wife had n't wanted to be with her mother , she had wanted to be with him , had wanted it with such intensity that he had wondered afterwards whether she might have felt a premonition .
10 In terms of Figure 7.5 , the rise in output from y * ; to Y 1 is the result of a series of individual decisions which were based on the assumption that , although the price of each island 's output had clearly risen to p 1 , the general price level in the rest of the economy would remain at p .
11 Ermentrude 's father had originally come from the Worms area , but he had made his career , thanks to imperial favour , in the west .
12 Sweetman crowed with laughter , but too soon , for , just as it seemed as though Ellen 's gesture had indeed collapsed into an ignominious anti-climax , the extinguisher first coughed , then spat a vicious deluge of white muck that fanned from the flared nozzle to splatter spectacularly against Sweetman 's chest .
13 Where the Children 's Bureau had now advanced from restraint to diversion as a treatment for masturbation , Isaacs was giving a brief account of Oedipal conflict and advising parents that they were ‘ far more likely to do harm by rushing in to scold or correct than by leaving the child to deal with it himself — in a general atmosphere of calm goodwill ’ , and was citing Dr Ernest Jones in her support .
14 The day 's patrol had already left under Ord 's leadership .
15 As a doctor , Brian realised that his wife 's mother had evidently suffered from the most acute form of agoraphobia .
16 Stephen 's mother had n't fallen from the cliff-path in a gust of wind : she had been pushed by Stephen 's father .
17 Herbie 's face had also lit in a sly smile as Mary had passed .
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