Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] that [pron] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Crucial to the conviction was evidence from Pederick , who had , at his own trial , admitted planting the bomb and further claimed at Anderson 's trial that he had done so on the latter 's instructions .
2 Was it sheer bravado on Obispal 's part that he disdained to fire explosive bolts at that creature which itself could not manipulate a gun ?
3 However , it was clear from the Special Commissioner 's decision that he had looked at all the evidence and asked himself whether in view of that evidence it had been reasonable for the inspector to form the view he had taken .
4 Well do you want that Littlewood 's shirt that I 've got , still says that we 're going , I get up on Sunday and go to and , no we 've got to go to with that coat , take that coat over
5 Alejandro was so staggered by Fantasma 's progress that he decided to waive his prejudice against greys ; not so much that he was prepared to get on her back , but he spent a considerable time wondering how he could flog Fantasma to a rich patron without them finding out how vicious and unmanageable the mare could be when she was away from Luke .
6 Responding to the disclosures , the ANC said that the government 's admission that it had funded Inkatha to pursue anti-ANC activities threatened the peace process .
7 But it was in that beautifully designed and equipped , but comfortable and homely kitchen at Martyr 's Cottage that she had found her healing .
8 It had been extensively rewritten by Robert , who was now so good at doing Mafouz 's handwriting that it had affected his ability to reproduce his own signature convincingly .
9 She was not a lesbian and it was Constance 's mind that she wished to possess , not her body .
10 And then I shall inform the Public Prosecutor 's department that I 've informed both of you .
11 You got it same time as I got that one , that 's last year 's card that we 've got .
12 As a gesture of goodwill , it is MAS 's recommendation that you offer to sign a confidentiality undertaking following the meeting in order for you and ourselves to obtain further financial , product and management information relating to the target .
13 It had n't actually been Guy Sterne 's fault that he 'd barged in and found her naked in his bedroom last night , even if his mocking treatment of the incident had been grossly insulting …
14 Think it was with a bit of Ellie 's assistance that it got made like that .
15 Even Brando became so concerned over Clift 's drinking that he went to see him to try to persuade him to join AA .
16 It is a measure of how seriously the Government take the committee 's work that we have responded to its recommendations within a month of their being submitted to us .
17 Well , what we did was we what we did was we erm found the alarm system to try and calculate some reasonable output rates erm but what we found was the output rates seemed incredibly low using based on the completion that they have got So what we was we erm took the nine week 's work that they 'd done and erm plus they 'd obviously based our output rates on that erm just for a little example , using the allowances we have n't got whereas actually we 'd been calculating it on what they had n't worked so , that was basically what we So moving on to the actual short-term programme
18 These words recur so often in Wordsworth 's work that they seem to represent an unwavering core of faith .
19 In order to try and comply with the Sports Council 's insistence that we need to shorten our teacher training , the new students will follow a more intensive programme , scheduled on more frequent training days , to be known as Course II .
20 Flames of doubt were fanned by the crew 's insistence that they had activated the emergency radio beacon for a week , though it was not picked up .
21 I remember very well Ben 's insistence that he wanted to retain that quartet .
22 Erm it 's with a view to in fact er Dr 's point that I want to speak .
23 It is a measure of Minton 's professionalism that he continued to meet deadlines and to produce an abundance of work .
24 It is America 's misfortune that it has encouraged standardized mass catering to swamp the country , coast to coast , with the Admass steak and chicken and seafood .
25 It was when he had pictured Morpurgo in his mind 's eye that it had occurred to him : such a trivial matter , yet nonetheless not right , not right at all — surely he must be mistaken .
26 He pulled out the battered sea captain 's telescope that he had bought in Caen to replace the expensive glass that he had lost after Toulouse .
27 The other interesting news was Norsk Hydro 's announcement that it planned to buy DnC 's 9 per cent stake in Saga Petroleum .
28 Former Cray Research Inc chairman John Rollwagen has withdrawn his name from further consideration for the number two post at the US Commerce Department after the Securities & Exchange Commission asked him to participate in an insider trading probe centring on sale of shares in Cray Computer Corp ahead of that company 's announcement that it had lost its only Cray 3 order .
29 A second round of talks between the government and the ANC in early August was followed by the ANC 's announcement that it had decided to suspend its armed struggle ; all activities by the ANC 's military wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe , would cease .
30 GLASGOW University can not be accused of isolation in academic ivory towers after today 's announcement that it has generated nearly £16 million in income from commercial and industrial sources in the last academic year .
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