Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] of [noun sg] is the " in BNC.

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1 The give-away in Marx 's description of alienation is the reference to leisure .
2 A major reason for the governing body 's decision of principle is the fact that the school has an established and open decision-making structure which works well .
3 A further inhibiting factor on the Home Secretary 's freedom of action is the pressure on Parliamentary time available to the Government to get its legislative programme enacted .
4 A second French critique of the notion that new technology is likely to enhance people 's experience of work is the work of Pierre Naville .
5 One policy which influences women 's experience of unemployment is the redundancy payments legislation .
6 Conrad 's Heart of Darkness is the first English modernist novel , it was written at the break of the century , a time of great change and movement ( for example , electricity , airplanes , telephone were all invented , democracy and freud emerged . )
7 In contrast to Simon 's conception of rationality is the view of Lindblom .
8 Labour ex-Cabinet minister Lord Healey warned : ‘ Lady Thatcher 's type of nationalism is the greatest single danger to peace in the modern world , and Mr Major 's failure to confront it head-on as such a danger has made a civil war in the government party a danger to Britain and to Europe as whole . ’
9 The long-lived alien 's point of view is the right one for looking at the plausibility of a theory like Cairns-Smith 's or the primeval-soup theory .
10 Horatio Alger 's notion of success is the traditional one : the familiar tale of triumphant individuals , of enterprising heroes who win riches and rewards through a combination of Dale Carnegie-esque self-improvement , Norman Vincent Peale-esque faith , Sylvester Stallone-esque assertiveness , and plain , old-fashioned good luck .
11 What is perhaps most useful in Lukács 's account of ideology is the concept of ‘ reification ’ .
12 Every couple has to find for themselves where this balance lies and , to be frank , this can be hard for some because one partner 's idea of novelty is the other 's perception of tedium .
13 However , Wise Speke 's lack of profitability is the least of Mr Coleridge 's problems .
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