Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] of [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Associated Tunnelling Co Ltd the Employment Appeals Tribunal ( EAT ) held that the tribunal had correctly concluded that there was an implied term in Mr Jones 's contract of employment to the effect that his employer had the right to transfer him to any site within reasonable daily commuting reach of his home .
2 In doing so I wanted not to reduce , say , Gide 's or Fanon 's defence of difference to the limiting historical conditions of its articulation — the first as merely a sexual tourist , the second as developing a homophobic theory of Negrophobia .
3 This approach has many parallels with empowerment in the developmental model , the main differences lying in the social worker 's level of commitment to the existing social order .
4 After three-and-a-half years at Rugby Park , Fleeting decided that last week 's 3–1 defeat by Partick Thistle had effectively closed the door on Kilmarnock 's hope of promotion to the Premier Division this season .
5 The charter recording Aethelbald 's grant of land to the monastery of Abingdon in Berkshire between 726 and 737 , in which he is styled ‘ king of the Angles of Britain' ( CS 155 : S 93 ) , is a forgery and unacceptable as an authentic record , but its attestation by Aethelheard , king of the West Saxons , while on expedition beyond the Severn against the Britons , could derive from a genuine fragment .
6 The scheme forms part of the Ecu62 million second phase of the EC 's programme of assistance to the nuclear industry in the former Soviet Union .
7 In L'Herbe , Louise is another unreliable narrator ; indeed , the perspective changes from sharing Louise 's point of view to a wider lens .
8 Waltz 's criticism of Kaplan to the effect that rules do not make a system invites a hermeneutic retort that nothing else possibly could in the social world .
9 The Tall Ships had sailed from all corners of the world to Liverpool to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus 's voyage of discovery to the New World .
10 In Manila the Philippine government testily rejected Mrs Marcos 's offer of help to the poor , and continued its interminable task of trying to get its hands on the Marcos money .
11 This stance has a very small target profile indeed , though it is wide open to the foot sweep and also reduces the competitor 's choice of technique to the back fist or the side kick .
12 Along with the servants has gone much of Sir Charles 's sense of responsibility to a local community larger than the household .
13 On the Thursday ( 10 December ) Baldwin presented the King 's message of renunciation to the House of Commons , and followed it by his own account and justification of events .
14 In 1532 , he again revealed the drift of his thinking by informing parliament that the clergy 's oath of allegiance to the pope was ‘ clean contrary to the oath that they make to us ’ .
15 Namely , a sentence in the police officer 's statement of evidence to the effect that ‘ Should anyone come into contact with the jagged metal on the front nearside wing they would be injured ’ , or ‘ If a pedestrian collided with the piece of metal left after the front nearside wing mirror had broken off , he would be injured ’ .
16 ‘ Whenever a death occurs as a result of a breach of another 's duty of care to the deceased , the death is unnatural and the coroner is under a duty to investigate .
17 The Ethics Committee on Feb. 2 , 1990 , released a report critical of Gus Savage ( Dem. , Illinois ) , for sexually harassing a Peace Corps worker while on a trip to Zaïre , but declined to recommend any disciplinary action , following Savage 's letter of apology to the woman concerned [ for previous developments in Savage and Bates cases see p. 36843 ] .
18 On November 6 , 1975 , we played support at St Martin 's School of Art to a band called Bazooka Joe — which included a young man called Stuart Goddard , later to become Adam Ant and so obsessed by punk that he has an almost complete set of Seditionaries clothing .
19 Is not that the true measure of the Act and of the Government 's lack of commitment to the environment ?
20 He was sacked from his ministerial post in June for criticizing what he saw as Franco 's lack of commitment to the Axis cause .
21 The Conservatives , on the other hand , were anxious to stress the importance of Churchill 's leadership , and he delivered four of their ten broadcasts ; the Conservative manifesto was also linked with his name , being entitled Mr. Churchill 's Declaration of Policy to the Electors .
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