Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [coord] [noun sg] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Such corruption was not unexceptional in the KMT , and Hsiao 's exposure and resignation were seen by a number of observers as part of the continuing feud between mainlanders and islanders in the party .
2 The subject had been explored in The Trumpet-Major and stories such as ‘ The melancholy hussar of the German legion ’ but it now began to take shape as a verse drama of epic proportions in which the historical story of Napoleon 's rise and fall was set against a reflective commentary on man 's ‘ place in the universe ’ .
3 Even more significantly this teacher goes on to express the view that this approach is not incompatible with the examination system , where in the context of the GCSE , the personal and professional experience the tutor has of each student 's progress and development is counterpoised with the more objective and detached assessment of the external moderator .
4 It is a matter of concern that much of mankind 's industrialisation and urbanisation is disrupting the natural ecology of the Earth , both on a small and large scale .
5 Mum , no , I should invite Russell cos Russell 's mum and dad were asking if I we if asking if I was going back to it .
6 Wales was conquered and subjected in the middle ages , Scotland 's parliament and administration were absorbed in 1707 , Ireland lost all but local administration in 1801 and the British upper classes reacted in horror at the prospect not of Irish independence but of an element of internal self-government when it was proposed by Gladstone in 1886 .
7 Harte 's hair and clothing were scorched but he managed to stagger from his home leaving his relatives trapped inside .
8 as if the cold was n't enough to put up with , Detective Lomax 's disgust and discomfort were increased by the damp clinging fog , which was gradually thickening and reducing visibility .
9 Painting makes one 's hands and clothes dirty but one 's mind and being are lifted afar off into regions past human criticism and complaint .
10 A good number of fabliaux advise the husband simply to accept his inferiority to his wife and to allow her to continue to keep the passage of the world smooth ; at the end of Le Chevalier a la robe vermeille , " The Knight with the scarlet robe " , a husband who has surprised his wife and made the compromising discovery of her lover 's horse and robe is hoodwinked by her , and the tale concludes : ( But he who keeps to the right path should believe fully , without dispute , everything that his wife tells him . )
11 The Barlow Report ( Royal Commission 1940 ) highlighted the strategic disadvantages of so much of the nation 's industry and population being concentrated in South-East England ( and within range of enemy bombers ) .
12 Irrespective of whether a horse 's bad habit is associated with anxiety or expectation , it is often best dealt with by avoiding the situation in which it appears ; until the horse 's anxiety or expectation is reduced , and a new habit of desirable behaviour has begun to form .
13 The seller 's skill and judgment were relied upon as to matters not within the buyer 's specification .
14 The company 's largest overseas white spirits plant producing Gordon 's Gin and Vodka is located at Plainfield , near Chicago , Illinois , USA .
15 Again , England 's batting and bowling were found wanting .
16 Around 70% of the area 's population and business are linked to digital exchanges and BT is already considering upgrading the remainder so that soon anyone in the Highlands can be ISDN-linked .
17 Wimpey Healthcare was launched successfully in September of last year at the Hospital and Care Premises Management Exhibition and we are now beginning to see the benefits with the company 's profile and reputation being enhanced considerably in this area .
18 It needs an understanding of how all the parts contribute to the whole , so that new elements of collaboration can be introduced as and when appropriate , with the children 's confidence and understanding being developed until they are ready to take over the initiative for themselves .
19 Dr Mowlam said Jeffrey 's asthma and eczema were getting worse as a result of the stress and worry about the money he has to pay for the medication .
20 Mr McEvoy 's body and car were removed from the driveway of his home yesterday morning .
21 Aung San 's courage and leadership were shown again in January 1947 , when his political opponents , including the Communists , stirred up agitation against the London Agreement before Aung San had time to get back to Burma and explain the facts .
22 As a result , Victor 's friend and wife were murdered by his creation .
23 The tall boy 's name and address were typed on .
24 The signature and the sender 's name and title are centred .
25 The team management intervened , I ran in the A team and everybody 's pride and position were salvaged .
26 Mr Godfrey 's wife and daughter were found at their family home in Westrup Close , Marsdon .
27 Subsequently , Matiba 's wife and daughter were attacked on June 14 at their home in what was widely seen as an attempt to intimidate
28 Clive 's jacket and shirt were stained , and little squirts rose and fell from his wound with each heartbeat .
29 The dilemma is simple : if the Sistine Chapel 's wall and ceiling were intended to be preserved as form , they should not have been painted with frescoes , it means that someone wanted to remove forever their original architectural character and create something else , which is acceptable ’ .
30 The separation may be more mental than physical , as in the much-loved pair 29 and 30 , where the Poet 's despair and sadness are dispelled merely by recalling the Friend : ‘ For thy sweet love rememb'red ’ and ‘ But if the while I think on thee , dear friend ’ , couplets which once read it is impossible to forget .
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