Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [is] [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Both raise key issues for the social sciences , and , although Winch 's text is the occasion of our raising them , we are not claiming to exhaust his subtle text , which well repays reading in full .
2 The principle also applies where the plaintiff 's damage is a combination of the defendant 's negligence and medical treatment to which he was allergic .
3 Where the plaintiff 's damage is the result of more than one cause , the but for test does not appear to provide an answer to causation problems .
4 The real problem for Schenk 's case is the question of how far the target figures of the fabliaux can be identified with the real humanity that both authors and readers/listeners must be part of .
5 Walter Hunt 's case is an example of the second type .
6 Another recent initiative on the Society 's part is the production of a film , ‘ The Irish Country House ’ , narrated by Anjelica Huston , celebrating different aspects of Irish houses and castles .
7 So at the nub of Marlowe 's play is the morality of deposition and the morality of a married king shunning his wife in favour of a homosexual lover .
8 The first part of Pilgrim 's Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey which had been described in Grace Abounding .
9 The Captain 's Cabin is the sort of place they do n't hassle you .
10 ‘ The Syrian forces could , if they wanted , speedily resolve the problem of Gen Aoun in Lebanon through military means , but the Syrian leadership is fully convinced there will be no need to resort to this as Gen Aoun 's removal is a matter of time and will take place quickly through political means . ’ .
11 You could say that Rob Lowe 's story is the story of the Eighties .
12 The selection of Britain as the venture 's base is a matter of prestige , says managing director Andy Szeliga , 36 ‘ In hi-fi , UK companies have a worldwide reputation .
13 Hongkong Bank 's backbone is a cadre of 450 ‘ international officers ’ — mostly Anglo-Saxon males ( or Scottish-accented Celts ) .
14 As Milan Prelog , the Croatian art historian , has written in Enciklopedija Jugoslavije , ‘ Buvina 's masterpiece is a proof of the progress achieved in a local sculptor 's workshop at the beginning of the thirteenth century .
15 Most damaging to Daly 's hypothesis is the evidence of coral rock thickness revealed by borings and geophysical work ( Guilcher , 1958 ; Stoddart , 1969 ) .
16 The duration of a partner 's liability is the subject of s17 of the Partnership Act : ( 1 ) A person who is admitted as a partner into an existing firm does not thereby become liable to the creditors of the firm for anything done before he became a partner .
17 Closest to Kathleen 's heart is the dream of one day being able to walk down the road with her son , his bare hand in hers .
18 Herbert Samuel argued in 1902 " the only guarantee of an empire 's unity is the contentedness of the people who compose it " .
19 In India the Self Employed Women 's Association is a co-operative of informals with its own sickness benefit and welfare scheme .
20 The character of the Nun 's Priest is a complex of knowledge , attitude and sympathy : knowledge of learning , literature and the ars praedicandi ( " art of preaching " ) , attitudes of detachment from but understanding of the rarefied world of speculative learning , and of sympathy towards the commoner run of humanity for whom this learning is mystifying and in practical terms irrelevant .
21 When an employee 's relocation is the result of a promotion or when an employee receives an increase in salary at the new location , any disturbance allowance payable on the basis of a percentage of salary is usually calculated on the new salary .
22 In the light of our results , we believe that the best clinical approach for an acute diagnosis of a Barrett 's oesophagus is the combination of endoscopic and manometric studies ; but how accurate is it to compare distances measured by manometry from distances measured by endoscopy ?
23 But the self that gets revealed in the novel 's action is a bundle of contradictions , like some people we know well .
24 Stephen Duck 's success under the queen 's patronage is an event of some importance since it established the precedent of a labouring poet entering the mainstream of contemporary literature .
25 As an example of psychologists reacting to a news-event , Cantril 's study is a model of hard work .
26 In general , the move is towards supporting the spoken language so that deaf children can more easily fit into the community as a whole , but perhaps the key insight from Tervoort 's study is the perception of the range of solution available to educators in different countries .
27 At the heart of the Government 's programme is the introduction of competition into the provision of health services .
28 There will certainly be concern abroad that one measure in the administration 's locker is the growth of American exports .
29 Arthur Penn 's movie is a study of teenage trauma and repressed sexuality masquerading as a Western ; Newman 's pained performance is a slightly heavy-handed but compelling version of the Marlon method .
30 Fish 's future is a bit of a mouthful
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