Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [noun sg] can [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Further evidence of the Heritage Secretary 's right-on attitude can be seen from his attendance at Glyndebourne .
2 Expert Anthony Mascolo 's hair flair can be seen on page 35 .
3 ( i ) The presence or absence of residual ischaemia ( ii ) The safe heart rate to which the patient can exercise ( iii ) The likelihood of arrhythmias developing during exercise ( iv ) The blood pressure response to exercise ( some patients show a paradoxical fall in blood pressure with exercise , and this is an adverse prognostic feature and may result in the patient developing quite severe orthostatic hypotension after an exercise session ) ( v ) Current fitness level from which the patient 's exercise tolerance can be derived Most hospital-based or community-based exercise programmes for coronary patients are based on circuit training .
4 Members using FTA 's Freightcheck service can be assured that it is operated to the highest standards and specifically ensures compliance with the operator licence obligations .
5 An explanation of the package 's approval status can be found in Appendix F. Only 10 lines can be displayed at any given time .
6 An explanation of the package 's approval status can be found in Appendix F.
7 League tables of international comparison are one measure by which the Government 's education record can be judged .
8 From a ledge of the load and motor torque variations with speed , the system 's ration performance can be anticipated .
9 Further details about the Booksellers Association 's insurance scheme can be had from Charlotte Bib or Simon Sadler at
10 In the daily life of Makarenko 's colony crime can be observed in microcosm .
11 TODAY being Armistice Day , it would be nice to think that this afternoon 's League programme can be completed without the police having to separate fighting footballers .
12 Lying prone , the patient 's shoulder blade can be drawn well forward , so that he can practise selective movements with his arm , particularly turning ( rotation ) in different directions .
13 Similarly , Jackson , reminding us of the different varieties of bureaucrat identified by Downs ( 1967 ) , questions the assumption that everything contributing to a bureaucrat 's utility function can be represented by the bureau 's budget .
14 The controller requires very little setting.up , as information the motor 's torque/speed characteristic can be acquired automatically he results of a single run to high speed using a known large inertial load .
15 Pygmalion , from which My Fair Lady was derived , attempts to show how easily England 's class system can be subverted by the acquisition of the correct accent and attitude .
16 The pain in the world 's airline industry can be eased best by more American-style deregulation , not less
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