Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 In 1927 Variety 's judgement of Rose of the Tenements was that ‘ New York 's pictorially hackneyed East Side ’ had been used as the setting for ‘ a drab colourless presentation offering little in either entertainment or box office value ’ , and that family problems had not been ‘ dramatized to an extent where the mob can be made to forget the obvious ordinary scheme of things ’ .
2 At that very moment Ingulph came by and on seeing him Ashford 's relations acknowledged God 's judgement in favour of the abbey .
3 The motion , which fell three votes short of the necessary 289 votes , was proposed by Philippe Vasseur ( UDF ) in protest against the government 's support for reform of the European Communities ' common agricultural policy [ see p. 38931 ] .
4 I am grateful for the hon. and learned Gentleman 's support in respect of the fourth Trident boat .
5 So the appeal was allowed , the order for possession was set aside as against Mr. Steed and the case was transferred to the Chancery Division for a new trial at which the facts regarding the execution or non-execution of the transfer and Mr. Steed 's entitlement to rectification of the register would be determined .
6 Polozkov 's fraction opposed Yeltsin 's election as chairman of the Russian Supreme Soviet .
7 It was held that a clause excluding all ‘ implied conditions and warranties ’ did not exclude the seller 's liability for breach of the express condition that he would supply a ‘ new ’ car .
8 Therefore the clause purporting to exclude the seller 's liability for breach of the implied terms in section 14 of the Sale of Goods Act was ineffective .
9 These included the transfer of the Metal Industry portfolio to Deputy Premier Cho Yong Nim ; the appointment of Deputy Premier Kim Tal Hyon as Chairman of the State Planning Commission ; and the appointment of Yi Song Tae as Kim Tal Hyon 's successor as Chairman of the External Trade Commission .
10 Lanskoy 's successor as Minister of the Interior , P. A. Valuev , was a prickly character cast in a much more cautious mould .
11 Rudi Fuchs has been named Wim Beeren 's successor as director of the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam .
12 In Florida the Republican incumbent since 1986 , Bob Martinez , was defeated by Lawton Chiles , a self-styled champion of financial probity and ethical campaigning [ for Martinez 's nomination as William Bennett 's successor as Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy see below ] .
13 Jair Meneguelli , the leader of the Workers ' Central Union ( CUT ) , and Osmarino Amancio Rodriguez , Mendes 's successor as leader of the seringueiros , were joined by other union members , the wives of murdered union members , and environmentalists , in signing the Declaration of Xapuri which was read out over Mendes 's grave .
14 The Education Secretary , John McGregor , has been appointed as Sir Geoffrey Howe 's successor as leader of the Commons .
15 The Education Secretary , John McGregor has been appointed as Sir Geoffrey Howe 's successor as Leader of the Commons .
16 Scanlon 's successor as President of the Engineers ' Union , Terry Duffy , was , in fact , a strongly right-wing figure anxious to reach an accommodation with the government , but naturally it would take him time to build up his authority .
17 Addressing the 12 heads of government at the start of the Strasbourg summit , Mr Enrique Baron , the Spanish Socialist who is Lord Henry Plumb 's successor as president of the parliament , urged the leaders to go all the way towards full European union provided it is ‘ based on the characteristics which we share in common — those of parliamentary democracy ’ .
18 The guest must sign the traveller 's cheque in front of the cashier and this signature must correspond with the one already on the cheque .
19 George brought up Edwina Currie 's underwear on behalf of the Observer .
20 Kinnock 's photograph in front of the Sun this morning
21 The Festival is the brainchild of the Prime Minister John Major and is intended to celebrate Britain 's term of presidency of the European Council , which runs from July to December 1992 .
22 In keeping with Sandie Macleod 's fighting on behalf of the clans , the Laird himself , although straitened by low incomes from his estates , had never racked his rents and as a consequence , says Boswell , ‘ so far is he from distressing his people , that , in the present rage for emigration , not a man has left his estate . ’
23 General Council 's action in support of the miners and wool textile workers signaled a turn in the tide , the beginning of a definite stand against the policy of wage reductions which economic conditions have enabled the employers to impose in the last four and a half years .
24 and did ‘ not consider it possible to state in any grater detail what form this link should take ’ ( see Annex I to the Commission 's reply in Commission of the European Communities v. United Kingdom ( Case C 246/89 ) .
25 Nor should industry expect ‘ to find refuge in a perpetually depreciating currency ’ , Mrs Thatcher said , underlining Nigel Lawson 's opposition to devaluation of the pound .
26 Reagan 's aptitude in front of the television camera , his ability to project a positive image , has been a priceless political asset .
27 ‘ The Prince of Wales 's succession as Head of the Church of England is also unaffected .
28 The Prince of Wales 's succession as Head of the Church of England is also unaffected .
29 ‘ If yer do n't git in line fast enough ivery time yer 'll never git a ‘ undred , ’ was the Old Stager 's greeting in praise of the innings .
30 I thought that the question of Scotland 's future as part of the UK , or as an independent nation , was an important subject , worthy of wide-ranging debate to be followed ultimately by a democratic decision .
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