Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Part of Oxford Polytechnic 's response to accreditation has been to increase the involvement of external reviewers in the quality control process .
2 Once the tasks which are particularly sensitive to the effects of even one night 's loss of sleep had been identified , it became feasible to attempt to establish how little sleep is enough to prevent any of the effects of sleep loss .
3 All the same , Cissie was right in one assumption : Beth 's peace of mind had been shattered on that particular day .
4 Hitler 's capacity for self-deception had been profound ever since the mid-1920s , if not earlier , and was vital in order to carry conviction among his immediate entourage about the greatness of his cause and the righteousness of his path towards attaining it .
5 It is also , for the many people who feel , as I do , that Sigmund Freud 's influence on psychiatry has been generally damaging , a rich source of Schadenfreude .
6 How last year the crop had meant nothing to him at all ; how , without understanding , he had walked about the harbour and warehouses of Episkopi , and the misuse of the Order 's cargo of sugar had been simply a matter noted and used as a playing-counter .
7 Up until now Katherine 's posture of confidence had been an act of will , a daring of elements which might prove as hostile as her mother .
8 Christie 's attitude to training had been casual , to say the least .
9 Clark 's work on malaria has been backed by the World Health Organisation .
10 Marx 's work on class has been examined in detail for the following reasons .
11 I asked him what Gómez 's point of departure had been and he replied , ‘ Ushuaia , accordin' to Rodriguez .
12 Not that the working man 's point of view has been generally well heard .
13 Perhaps most significant from Intergraph 's point of view has been the development of a tailored reporting routine for all of its European sites .
14 Because John Smith 's period of office had been reasonably successful , the Company put the colony under military discipline , which stabilized the situation and provided a more efficient system of government than trying to transplant a peculiarly English way of running things .
15 Britain 's growth rate has been one of the lowest of any major Western economy since 1961 , that Britain 's share of investment has been one of the two lowest , that Britain 's share of world trade has been falling while others have had rising shares and that Britain 's rate of inflation has been one of the fastest in the Western world .
16 Althusser 's theory of history has been more widely attacked and denigrated than any other aspect of his work , largely because he dared to argue that , far from providing the unassailable foundation of Marxism , history was a problematic concept even in Marx 's own texts :
17 The contribution of Saussure 's theory of language has been to point out how personal identity and subjectivity are constructed through differentiation .
18 Right or wrong , Chomsky 's theory of grammar has been undoubtedly the most dynamic and influential in modern times .
19 Yet , if pain remains , who would be so bold as to decide when the patient 's limit of tolerance has been reached ?
20 The restructuring that has taken place during the Government 's tenure of office has been remarkably good for the region .
21 Lee 's role in golf has been entertaining people , treating the game like a stage .
22 In The Fountain the Boy 's offer of sonship had been similarly rejected ; perhaps Matthew is peculiarly honest and telling us that there are no substitutes , but we still have the ‘ sigh of pain' and the persistence of the memory to account for .
23 The company 's commitment to quality has been vital to its success , ’ he said .
24 Britain 's growth rate has been one of the lowest of any major Western economy since 1961 , that Britain 's share of investment has been one of the two lowest , that Britain 's share of world trade has been falling while others have had rising shares and that Britain 's rate of inflation has been one of the fastest in the Western world .
25 Sheldukher 's choice of bodyguard had been a good one .
26 A strong , coherent and well-administered personnel strategy is where I believe IBM 's secret of success has been , is , and will continue to be .
27 It looked as though former ABA light welterweight champion Peter Richardson 's road to gold had been blocked when an appeal for £2,000 in sponsorship to cover the Middlesbrough 21-year-old 's £2,000 training and travelling expenses met with no response .
28 Under the Pomerene Act , a person to whom a common carrier 's bill of lading has been transferred ( not negotiated ) acquires title to the goods , subject to the terms of the agreement between the issuer and the transferor .
29 The main source of Leeds 's success in finance has been the building-society industry .
30 POSTERS in the campaign to save St Bart 's Hospital from closure have been banned from London 's Underground .
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