Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I started there and they put me on a month 's trial and I dithered about about this month , whether I was good enough , and they 'd forgotten all about it , by the end of month , trial .
2 I mused on Toby 's story as I walked towards the clubhouse and so intent was I on my thoughts that I nearly knocked over Sally Drayton as I passed the PGA hut .
3 I heard them no sooner I turned to walk away which I did after a brief moment 's hesitation when I wrestled with the foolish notion of somehow eliciting a confession out of the florid man that he was lying and that Leicester Square did indeed exist ; not realizing then that he was right , and that there really was no such place as Lei-cester Square .
4 My chest ached with a child 's fear while I cringed in the deeply recessed doorway of North Three .
5 I was , I was off on , on Sunday , I mean I 've joined yet another marriage agency , off on last Sunday to Latherham , with another nice old chap , you know , erm , I , I go out with erm , women friends , we , I 've arranged , er there 's one very , very good place that does lunches , run by a couple of homosexuals and erm , old age pensioners on Tuesday get , get a lunch , an eight pound lunch , for four pounds , so four friends , three friends and myself are going for a special Christmas lunch that they do , fortnight ago we went for a lunch with the group of the town 's women 's guild and friends , erm , my women 's group that I belong to over at the village of which is run by the television actress er Helen Fraser
6 I went in John 's shop and I goes to John have you seen Maggie ?
7 ‘ It 's a mug 's game and I happen to be very good at it .
8 Right , where 's this morning 's paper and I go to the bogs ?
9 Notice that , although I have just summarized some of the teacher 's predicament that I described in Chapter 2 , we have arrived at the summary by a different route : not by reporting what people say , but by looking at the inevitable consequences of working in a demanding situation .
10 It was one of the few references to the former prime minister 's gender that I heard during the whole week of leadership crise .
11 I greeted my cousin 's suggestion that I drive with him and his family to Italy for a skiing holiday with some apprehension .
12 So I went into the doctor 's surgery and I said to him , I said : ‘ Look , I apologise .
13 We banked over Bonefish 's house and I waved at Thessy who was standing beside Masquerade .
14 I watched the scene through the window of George Burley 's office while I talked to Bill Baudelaire 's mother on the telephone .
15 The clerk , realising from Mirsal 's uniform that I belong to the sacred official class , merely bows his head to the storm , pays up and looks pleasant .
16 I know that they combine a macho enthusiasm for selective violence with a rigid adherence to middle-class morality , but you are n't seriously suggesting that they 'll suspect me of cutting Paul 's throat because I go to bed with his wife ?
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