Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [conj] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Crucial to the conviction was evidence from Pederick , who had , at his own trial , admitted planting the bomb and further claimed at Anderson 's trial that he had done so on the latter 's instructions .
2 Indeed , the companies have been at pains to demonstrate the technology 's feasibility : the CeBit show saw a demonstration of isoEnet in action on NatSemi 's stand and it has published a White Paper on it .
3 well it is vanity , their health 's not gon na improve by er , with their breasts enlarged so I do n't see why the National Health should pay for that , if they want that doing they should pay themselves , different in Claire 's case because she 's got one breast extremely small and one large one so she 's got a deformity , that 's different , correcting a deformity 's different , but if you just wan na go from a size thirty two to a thirty six B , then you should pay for it do n't you think ?
4 However , it was clear from the Special Commissioner 's decision that he had looked at all the evidence and asked himself whether in view of that evidence it had been reasonable for the inspector to form the view he had taken .
5 Well do you want that Littlewood 's shirt that I 've got , still says that we 're going , I get up on Sunday and go to and , no we 've got to go to with that coat , take that coat over
6 The hair above his left ear was matted and spiked like her kitten 's fur after he had washed , but she could n't see the blood against the dark hair .
7 Pop and I remember going up to the captain 's cabin after you had gone to bed and eating lovely bala chaung sandwiches .
8 John , her brother aged 6 years , was mother 's favourite and she had become concerned that her husband was undermining her authority with Jenny during the day when she was at home with her .
9 Publicans would have to apply for a special children 's certificate as they have to do in Scotland .
10 Of course , they agreed , and if afterwards both of them also agreed that there was more to Sally-Anne 's story than she had cared to tell them , about both Havvie and the mysterious Dr Neil — they had noticed that his name was constantly on her lips — they did not tell her what they had guessed .
11 She had looked in Marie 's direction but she had made no sign of recognition .
12 Choir and instrumentalists are as responsive to Gardiner 's direction as we have come to expect of them but even so I am left with the feeling that the great sense of occasion generated by this music has only been realized in part .
13 Charles stated that he did not know what was to take place , and would not have entered St Peter 's basilica if he had known .
14 In a related development , Unionist leaders called for Brooke 's resignation after he had appeared on a television chat show in Dublin , Ireland , and given an impromptu rendering of a folksong , shortly after the Teebane bombing .
15 A lot of talking has been coming from Eubank 's camp and I 've kept quiet , but now it 's my turn .
16 Responding to the disclosures , the ANC said that the government 's admission that it had funded Inkatha to pursue anti-ANC activities threatened the peace process .
17 But it was in that beautifully designed and equipped , but comfortable and homely kitchen at Martyr 's Cottage that she had found her healing .
18 Well , they had penetrated Atholl 's bastion and he had had to meet ‘ his ’ people man to man , and man to woman , on a level , with no intermediary .
19 It had been extensively rewritten by Robert , who was now so good at doing Mafouz 's handwriting that it had affected his ability to reproduce his own signature convincingly .
20 And I think it does work nicely because it , th most of the frame is filled with the girl 's hair and she 's got nice blonde hair , nicely lit , that erm is a good way of showing off her head .
21 Yes , I think they get treated rather tough do n't they , I think the batsmen take advantage of the , of the always be in the umpire 's mind and he 's got to be certain .
22 He was obviously Garry 's brother-in-law and he had mistaken her for Dana .
23 Williams , Textbook of Criminal Law , 2nd edn , Stevens & Sons , 1983 , 764 , criticised Pitham : if a butler invites the maid to join him in stealing the Duke 's silver when he has found the key to the safe , surely he has not at that time appropriated the silver .
24 And then I shall inform the Public Prosecutor 's department that I 've informed both of you .
25 You got it same time as I got that one , that 's last year 's card that we 've got .
26 The words had leapt out of Tom 's mouth before he had had a chance to stop them .
27 Intuitively , one might claim that the need for completeness which is satisfied when are angry is added to residents in ( 2 ) is of the same order as that experienced when waiting for , say , the splash of a stone thrown out over the sea , or for the arrival of food in one 's mouth when one has watched it being prepared .
28 Actually , I 've heard a little about your relationship from my aunt — like the fact that you refused to accept Silas 's ring until he 'd kicked her out of the house . ’
29 I understand it was your own stupidity in refusing to accept Silas 's ring until he 'd got her out of the house .
30 She flew into a rage and vowed she would not accept Silas 's ring until he 'd evicted that bossy , domineering woman from the house in which they would begin their married life . ’
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