Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 He was holding a lady 's girdle and he swivelled it like moving hips .
2 My father said the 17-horse power would use too much petrol , but it gave me a year 's pleasure before I swopped it for an A30 van .
3 I was so carried away by the wisdom of my hon. Friend 's question that I found it necessary to repeat it .
4 The Mitchells were granted permission to burn charcoal from coppiced timber at Hangman 's Wood if they returned it to this state of management .
5 I only got Rosie 's help because he put it to you ; of course , it would be in a very nice way , that I was too tired to give him his rights . ’
6 The film became the American entry , by invitation , into that year 's Venice film festival and the New York Times ' critic , Bosley Crowther , summed up his nation 's embarrassment when he described it as a ‘ brutal picture which caused diplomats to mop their brows — a vicious account of boozing , fighting , pot-smoking , vandalizing and raping done by a gang of sickle riders who are obviously drawn to represent the swastika-wearing Hell 's Angels , one of several disreputable gangs on the west coast .
7 He would have liked to have gone to his brother 's funeral but he thought it would only have made matters worse .
8 What would he do with Harry 's body when he found it at last , but toss it back again to go downstream as he willed it to go , and leave its poor slender bones scattered all along the banks of Severn without a name or a resting-place ?
9 The wind suddenly seemed to have grown much colder , striking so fiercely against Jinny 's cheek that it numbed it .
10 Today , it 's known as Lolly 's Lagoon because she saw it first .
11 Trevor Magee had passed the small entryway to Long 's Court when he noticed it .
12 It is significant in this respect that Galileo 's drawing of the moon 's surface as he saw it through a telescope contains some craters that do not in fact exist there .
13 It shot past the wizard 's head and he watched it grow smaller as it plummeted towards the circle of upturned muzzles .
14 There was a fire at Mr 's store and they called it arson .
15 But they were unable to spin out their game for long ; impatience got the better of them and they returned the puppy , which stood shivering under its mother 's tongue as she licked it clean of foreign influences .
16 I was even more impressed with the jacket 's performance when I wore it next to my skin — it has an antibacterial finish to the fleece which makes it suitable for this purpose .
17 There were hundreds of entries under Wells and a dozen or more A's ; none of them matched with Alison 's address as he remembered it ; and yet she 'd told him she was in the book .
18 Sandy Pearlman , producer of ‘ Give ‘ Em Enough Rope ’ , so disliked Joe Strummer 's voice that he mixed it more quietly than the drums throughout the album .
19 And she outlined the role of an artist 's companion as she saw it .
20 Erm John 's Dream the National Playwright 's Network actually wrote back to me and said they 're quite happy to read your plays for a fee erm but I intend to re-write that before I put it in er for a reading erm Oh , I I sent a poem called Pleasure to Woman 's Weekly in June last year and I suspect they were actually planning to use it but they 've had a New Year 's clear-out and I got it back yesterday .
21 No , well I mean , it were n't as though I had n't put a payment in it were just that it probably was this taking Tracey 's book and I marked it onto Tracey 's , er , Tracey 's book .
22 Erm I could also support Chris 's resolution if I thought it was realistic to hope for an adequately funded public transport system in , in the foreseeable future .
23 It was a boss 's world and everybody knew it .
24 She goes when she was born either he was chewing some chewing gum and it fell out and it went ins caught in your mum 's prinny and it glued it together See you tomorrow dudes .
25 The programme makers were so impressed by Sheila 's contribution that they featured it as a programme in its own right .
26 She headed straight back towards Miss Honey 's house and she reached it in less than four minutes .
27 It held the faint tang of a man 's aftershave and she hugged it to her for a moment before realising how ridiculous she was being .
28 So in my new bedroom ( which used to be Pa 's office until he gave it up , just for me , and moved into the caravan ) , we work out a prayer together , to help me not to be led into temptation again .
29 His eyes were on Rostov 's face as he strapped it on .
30 She was watching the chief inspector 's face as she said it , and she knew that he believed her , and accepted her as a good witness .
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