Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [conj] [adv] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 She just knew she had to see the woman who held Timothy 's heart and perhaps persuade her to set him free .
2 Carolyn Pride , now Carolyn Bartholomew , who had the next bed in Diana 's dormitory and later shared her London flat , remembers her as a ‘ strong character , buoyant and noisy . ’
3 She was obviously under the influence of drugs , booze or both and as we approached , typically averting our eyes from the embarrassing spectacle , a girl of about 11 wiped a candle of yellow mucus from the woman 's nose and resignedly helped her to her feet , staring at us with old , resentful eyes as we passed , reminding me of myself and the Saturday afternoon rescue missions .
4 It seems likely that his preoccupation with her promisingly clever older sister , Jenny ( Jane Alice ) , caused unhappiness in May 's childhood and further spurred her on to succeed in the practical arts .
5 Her hostess looked carefully at Julia 's face and then pressed her :
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