Example sentences of "'s [noun] has been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Delhi 's response has been complicated by the existence of the lame-duck Kashmiri state government of Dr Farooq Abdullah , who fought last month 's general election in alliance with the then governing Congress party , and which is deeply unpopular in the valley .
2 " As you know , Sara , your aunt 's income has been dwindling of late years — she was very careless of investments and spent too much of her capital .
3 But Karpov 's play has been far below his best and Yusupov 's brilliant equalising victory has generated a murmur of a possible upset .
4 Investment in Europe could also rise if the yen stays strong , since the yen 's appreciation has been greatest against European currencies , Robert Feldman , economist at Salomon Brothers Asia , said .
5 Her concern with the development of children 's thinking has been present from the start of her academic career , when she was considerably influenced by the European School , and notably Piaget .
6 Margaret McGregor , convener of the district council 's women 's committee , said : ‘ The women 's committee has been aware for some time that there are a lack of resources and refuge spaces for women fleeing violent situations . ’
7 Children 's line had been forced to close through lack of cash , but now funds have been raised to get the service off the ground again ; June Nash who is on the service 's committee has been instrumental in the relaunch .
8 Newton and skipper Andy Townsend have hit five goals each this season in a dynamic midfield partnership , and Townsend 's influence has been crucial to his sidekick 's development .
9 Robson 's influence has been legendary within United — but manager Alex Ferguson believes Ince is showing the qualities which will make him the new Red leader .
10 It seems remarkable that nearly thirty years has elapsed since there was a major museum exhibition in the United States , although Magritte 's work has been familiar to , and widely admired by , the generation of American Pop artists .
11 In Angola the support for Jonas Savimbi 's UNITA has been stronger amongst the Ovimbundu people of the central plateau than amongst the rest of the population .
12 In order to make sense of a self that has ‘ survived ’ both discourses of colonialism it would seem that Bhimji 's strategy has been one of intense resourcefulness , gathering in herself and her experiences .
13 Sharon 's father has been unemployed for the last three years .
14 Never was a truer word spoken and Sean 's absence has been noticeable in the dearth of cricket coverage in the south since his death .
15 Never was a truer word spoken and Sean 's absence has been noticeable in the dearth of cricket coverage in the south since his death .
16 ‘ Britain 's performance has been worse in each succeeding phase , ’ he comments .
17 As the Principal said : ‘ Napier 's success has been due to its staff .
18 Harriet and Adam 's success has been remarkable by anyone standards .
19 The chronology of Penda 's reign has been confused by a variety of different regnal lengths .
20 The Republic of El Salvador was ruled by Spain until 1821 and gained separate independence in 1839 , since which time the country 's history has been one of frequent coups and political violence .
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