Example sentences of "'s [noun] had [vb pp] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alexander 's research had proved these sensory feelings to be unreliable guides and he therefore sought to formulate instructions or orders to himself to replace them .
2 By the time he regained control of the wildly swerving vehicle , the Prophet 's car had drawn some forty yards ahead again .
3 Lancaster 's opposition had received little determined support , and Rent 's conspiracy , if conspiracy it really was , had come to nothing .
4 In 1849 Hofmann , with Warren de la Rue , began translating Liebig and Kopp 's Annual Report on the Progress of Chemistry ; this was essentially the production of a number of Giessen professors , who under Liebig 's leadership had made this small university one of the best-known abroad .
5 At this point Matilda noticed that Miss Honey 's face had gone all tight and peculiar-looking .
6 Next to Assad 's Syria , Colonel Gaddafi 's Libya had become little more than a refuge for Palestinian extremists , a useful quartermaster s supply depot for arms and explosives , and a convenient whipping boy for Western governments anxious to be seen taking a strong line on terrorism without risking their strategic interests in the Middle East .
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