Example sentences of "'s [noun] is [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS — Chandos has announced two important signings — Richard Hickox ( an announced in brief in a previous issue ) , and the BBC PO and new Principal Conductor Yan Pascal Tortelier ; Hickox 's contract is for a minimum of 27 releases ( nine per year ) including both choral and orchestral recordings .
2 Remember Frank Holden 's defence is in the interest of every member of IBOA .
3 First , the arbitrator 's decision is for the disputants a reason for action .
4 The party 's base is in the unions , most of whose members work for the state : for its bloated railways , its idle port authority , the dark light-and-power company , the incompetent civil and education services .
5 Appeal from the Tribunal 's finding is to the Court of Appeal .
6 Let's must hope Smith 's mind is on the game tomorrow , when Redditch are at Hitchin to contest a place in the FA Cup 's final qualifying round before the Third and Fourth Division sides enter .
7 Shakespeare 's poet is in a frenzy , possessed by the spirit of artistic creation .
8 A shop specialising in children 's books is on the Grossmunsterplatz .
9 There is a whole host of places where we are told that God 's action is like the wind strong , boisterous , uncontrollable .
10 Customer Care — If a customer 's car is off the road for more than 24 hours waiting for a component to arrive , Renault 's Customer Courtesy Service allows him or her to use a replacement vehicle free of charge until the part is delivered and the problem rectified .
11 ‘ Mrs Connon 's bedroom is at the front . ’
12 With the folks back home still seething after last week 's World Cup disaster in Norway , Taylor 's future is on a knife-edge .
13 With the folks back home still seething after last week 's World Cup disaster in Norway , Taylor 's future is on a knife-edge in his opening US Cup game in New England 's Foxboro stadium .
14 And Höll 's playing is in the Britten class for its many moments of revelatory insights .
15 Anderson 's proposal is for the tax subsidy to be limited to a five-year duration .
16 Nevertheless , the high status of the woman 's influence is in no way diminished .
17 Napoleon 's portrait is on the obverse and , on the other side is the Arc de Triomphe , the focal point of Paris 's streets .
18 Prior to the transformation of the dialectic , Marx 's work is under the shadow of the Hegelian dialectic and the transformation brings about a new problematic and the possibility of an emerging science .
19 The evaluators ' impression of the panel 's work is of a number of talented and committed individuals , representing several interest groups within education and the library services but sharing a common interest in developing effective learning , who have managed to achieve much in the absence of a really effective committee .
20 A major collection of the Guild 's work is in the William Morris Museum , Walthamstow .
21 Auntie 's laugh is like a man 's laugh — deep and loud .
22 Sue 's marriage is on the rocks
23 The only area where this may work to the buyer 's detriment is in the area of the product lifetime .
24 I believe still that Britain 's place is at the heart of Europe , although every time that puffed-up functionary , M.
25 ‘ The Gamekeeper at Home ’ , said I. ‘ The gamekeeper 's place is in the woods , ’ said he .
26 ‘ If woman 's place is in the home , ’ he went on , relentlessly , his voice full of venom , ‘ then why are n't you there ? ’
27 There is still a strong view prevailing in the Conservative Party that ‘ a woman 's place is in the home ’ .
28 But it is also an ideological statement : the housewife 's place is in the home washing and hanging out her own clothes ; not in the launderette where they are processed for her .
29 However , working women generally were by no means in favour of the double burden of work at home and in the factory and Mary MacArthur may well have spoken for a majority when she said : ‘ We are all familiar with the old ideal that women 's place is in the home , and I am sufficiently old fashioned to agree that there is something to be said for it ’ .
30 A woman 's place is in the home — not only is this common sense , it is also backed by scientific evidence .
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