Example sentences of "'s [noun] be in many [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Preston 's experience was in many ways typical of the other old market towns that had been overwhelmed by the cotton industry .
2 Agnes and Tommy Docherty 's marriage was in many respects typical of their generation and typical of their catholic upbringing in the west of Scotland .
3 Derain 's Baigneuses is in many ways closer in spirit to the Demoiselles , and it was regarded by Vauxcelles at least , as a revolutionary work , but it had the advantage that it could still be fitted into a traditional frame of reference .
4 Maurice 's funeral was in many respects indistinguishable from Beatrix 's .
5 The committee 's policy was in many respects akin to that just being abandoned by the Communist Party , but with a greater syndicalist content .
6 I think Cruttenden 's arguments are in many ways convincing , but one must recognise that if intonation is influenced by and reflects the grammar , it follows that it must be a help to listeners in interpreting the grammar of what they hear , and perhaps more importantly , if a speaker 's intonation is inappropriate in relation to the grammar , listeners will find it more difficult to interpret the grammar , and may be confused .
7 The pattern of symptoms exhibited in Wernicke 's aphasia is in many respects exactly the opposite of that shown in Broca 's aphasia .
8 Reich 's analysis is in many respects highly persuasive , even if some of his concepts are difficult to accept .
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