Example sentences of "'s [noun] be [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( She wonders , in parenthesis , how much of the nation 's income is spent on cosmetics , and whether the statistics will be provided in the New Year issue of Social Trends . )
2 The Australian 's frustration at being unable to find chinks in Marshall 's defence was expressed in arguments with the referee .
3 Letterman 's activities are characterized by bustle and urgency .
4 Outside the North Sea and Indonesia , the Company 's activities are focussed on ventures that offer potential for discoveries that will have a material impact on the Group 's reserves .
5 Brave Dragon , PPFE 's buyer is owned by Wing Tai Exporters in partnership with Sung Hung Kai , the Hong Kong property giant .
6 Faldo 's money is destined for Capital Radio 's Help A London Child ; Lyle 's for Great Ormond Street Hospital ; Woosnam 's for the Oswestry branch of the N.S.P.C.C. and Hoch 's to the Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando , Florida .
7 The slim pillar left of Walker 's Gully is taken by Necromancer ( HVS 5a ) .
8 Traditionally , the firm 's accounts were based on ledger cards running on a mechanical accounting machine which worked flat out from morning until night The sheer volume of work restricted the capacity to process data efficiently .
9 Dr Coles 's sensor is made of tin dioxide a cheap and readily available substance previously rejected by engineers for more expensive materials .
10 Trudie 's award was presented by popstar Cliff Richard who thinks her efforts are an example to everyone …
11 Black-figure 's incision is used for details , but men 's skin is coloured brown , women 's drawn in outline , and compositions show much overlapping which , with its implication of depth , is foreign to most Greek vase-decoration .
12 Until after the 1939–45 war , nearly all the country 's milk was transported by rail .
13 We can now not only see why in such sentences one feels an implicit predication with respect to a support but also get a clearer view of why to is used before the infinitive : its role here seems to be simply that of indicating that the infinitive 's support is situated in time before the actualization of the infinitive 's event .
14 But the craftsmen 's talents were crippled by unemployment , while high taxation on the former governing classes made it difficult for them to commission buildings or goods of a quality acceptable to Lutyens and his contemporaries .
15 On 21 August 1881 Smith 's yacht was nipped between pack ice and land floe off Cape Flora , sinking in two hours .
16 Stalin 's humility was put on record in the official history of the Soviet Communist Party — at his own suggestion .
17 At the same time the Bakufu 's weakness was exacerbated by problems over the shogunal succession ; the selection of the nearest blood heir , a young boy , to succeed to the title in 1858 , highlighted the problems of Bakufu leadership at a time when the institution required all the strength it could muster .
18 The ship 's course was altered to north-northeast to enable HMS Impregnable to clear the notorious Bembridge ledges .
19 Although during the defence summation Barry 's attorney had admitted that his client had been an " occasional " cocaine user , the prosecution 's case was hampered by doubts within the jury over the credibility of key prosecution witnesses including Moore and Charles Lewis , a convicted drug dealer whose evidence was responsible for four of the drugs charges against Barry .
20 The issue in Gillick 's case was stated by Lord Fraser of Tullybelton in the following terms [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 , 165 :
21 When the Beveridge report was debated in the Commons in mid-February 1943 Churchill himself was ill and the government 's case was argued by Sir Kingsley Wood , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , a Conservative , and Sir John Anderson , the Lord President , who was a former civil servant elevated to ministerial rank .
22 The twice world champion 's case was considered by Lightman immediately after one in which Higgins was the complainant in a disrepute charge against his former manager , Howard Kruger , who resigned from the association 's board last weekend .
23 Nibble 's case was considered in Microbeads v. Vinhurst Road Markings ( 1975 C.A. ) .
24 The unbeliever supposes that the believer must have proofs of the existence of God ( as we point out below , there is some disagreement over whether some of the traditional ‘ proofs ’ of God 's existence were intended as proofs at all ) .
25 ‘ If the last 50,000 years of man 's existence were divided into lifetimes of approximately sixty-two years each , there have been about 800 such lifetimes .
26 The ground is white , and on it women 's skin is outlined in red , men 's and boys ' in black filled in with a pinkish colour , the same distinction as on the Thermon metopes ( above , p. 13 ) , and clothes are in flat washes of clear , bright red and blue .
27 The Leviathan 's skin was made of chain-mail and repelled any arrows or spears .
28 Football : Robson 's tact is strained by Barnes blow
29 The government 's decision was criticized by sections of the Iranian press with close links to radical factions .
30 The Pope 's decision was influenced by events over the past year .
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