Example sentences of "'s [noun] [noun sg] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dim scratchy advertisements for Ernie Calvert 's Watch Repairs and Gus Bentley 's Bike Shop appeared on the screen .
2 Thirty years later , I can still recall particular images — Alan Breck 's silver button set on a wooden cross and placed as a sign in the window of a but and ben ; redcoats prodding the heather with their bayonets while Breck and David Balfour sweltered out the day on the top of a huge granite boulder ; Breck lowering his belt so that Balfour could scramble up ; a chieftain 's hide-out somehow built using the trees .
3 So controversial has some of the advertising become that not long ago , a commercial for New England 's Ice Cream based on a spoof scene from the film When Harry Met Sally was thought too blatant for normal TV viewing .
4 Although John 's percentage cut depended on the total amount collected , it was known that he never harassed tax debtors , indeed , anyone with genuine difficulty in paying was likely to be entertained to lunch at Henrietta Villa by the sympathetic Comptroller .
5 Those who enjoy Bach 's organ music played on a really spectacular sounding modern instrument will surely enjoy Noel Rawsthorne 's 1979 recital on the organ of Liverpool Cathedral , a mighty one on which the famous D minor Toccata and Fugue ( BWV565 ) sound resplendent , the St Anne Fugue in E flat ( BVV552 ) architecturally massive .
6 Ian Lang would deny that yesterday 's speech on the concepts behind the Government 's education policy draws on a golden age ; and , indeed , there are elements that merit cautious welcome .
7 After nearly three hours of procedural wrangling the congress debate was opened by Pancevski 's keynote address based on the draft congress declaration .
8 Informed sources say that Texas Instruments Inc had Sun Microsystems Inc 's SunOS Unix running on the superscalar Viking Sparc a long time ago , but when schedules for the long overdue part began to slip , it clammed up , leaving the grapevine to hum with negative vibes .
9 Mr Flood , of Flood 's Quality Meat killed On The Premises , did n't appreciate their laughter .
10 Below : Marie Seznec , Lacroix 's peach model leans on the peach-coloured cake
11 Before going down to the northern ramparts where the brunt of the attack was expected to fall , he took a last look round the room and saw Hari 's phrenology book lying on the floor .
12 Chandra Shekhar 's minority government rested on the support of Congress — support which Mr Gandhi then chose to withdraw , thus bringing about the present election .
13 The screwed up remains of another airline 's rejection letter lay on the bar next to her cigarettes .
14 Du Pont Pixel has begun modifying SGI-based applications and at the show last week demonstrated SGI 's Iris Explorer running on a Sparcstation IPX — this will be available in the first quarter of 1993 .
15 Put at its simplest , it was jealous suspicion , for when she had looked through Barbs 's windows she had seen Memet 's straw hat sitting on the sill : he always put his hat on the window-sill .
16 Pilz 's midprice offering comes on the ‘ Acanta ’ label , and consists of Fono Team material acquired by Rainer Pilz .
17 There was a cotton quilt , faded almost to invisibility , upon the bed , Marcus 's summer jacket draped on a chair , a shirt folded up , shaving things grouped on a chest of drawers .
18 Still to come is the awful Ghost Dad , basically another attempt to get Bill Cosby 's TV act to work on the big screen ( Bill plays a workaholic dad who , once dead , gets to spend more time with his family ) .
19 Polly Freeman , previously at Constable , has been appointed Pan Macmillan 's press officer to work on the Pan and Sidgwick lists .
20 Samuel Barber 's Violin Concerto dwells on the instrument 's lyrical potential , something which the Chinese violinist Hu Kun manages to a haunting effect in the first movement and the suspended-animation Andante .
21 A TRAIN carrying 16 people smashed into a thief 's getaway van abandoned on a level-crossing .
22 Currently , KF 's market share depends on the segment ; it holds a 20.2% share of the daily goods ( food ) market , he said , and 16% of the total speciality retail market .
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