Example sentences of "'s [noun] [conj] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My role as a lawyer within the company means that my work is directly linked to the development of the company 's activities and encompasses everything from handling acquisitions and disposals to advising on minor matters on an ad-hoc basis , and problem solving for the company .
2 ( 6 ) In August 1983 the third defendant claimed from C.M.C. a commission of £16,000 for himself and £8,000 for Highdene in respect of certain commercial arrangements , not involving the bakery , negotiated between C.M.C. and B.M.T. It is said that this claim led the other directors of C.M.C. to investigate the third defendant 's activities and to dismiss him as a director of C.M.C. ( 7 ) Between May and July 1983 the third defendant caused the first plaintiff to sign in blank some cheques drawn on C.M.C. 's bank account by fraudulently representing that these cheques would be used to pay small and urgent bills of C.M.C. It is said that in fact the third defendant used six of these cheques to pay to himself and certain other parties sums amounting to about £30,000 , allegedly in connection with the financing of the centre .
3 Increasing financial difficulties became another problem when Rotha Lintorn Orman 's mother cut her allowance , believing that the BF had been taken over by disreputable elements , who lived off her daughter 's money and manipulated her by making her increasingly dependent on alcohol and drugs .
4 McCann 's perseverance saw him move 5-4 ahead after seven ends , but a double on the next restored Robertson 's advantage and pushed him within one of the winning line .
5 The boy hid his face in the other man 's shirt and allowed himself to be drawn away .
6 They assault the sense , savage the palate , ravage one 's innards and announce themselves in loud , pungent terms so that one gets wind of them long before one catches sight of them .
7 Permanent support from the group : from the outset , the franchisee receives the backing of the company 's teams who contribute their professional skills and know-how , in order to monitor the franchisee 's progress and advise him on the day to day management of the restaurants .
8 Because she was staying at home with her father Eva had the task of sorting out her mother 's possessions and sharing them with the family .
9 Now Sylvia picked up Carolyn 's present and waved it under her nose .
10 As they longed for a spiritual assurance of Christ 's presence and received it in the Holy Spirit which literally inspired in them knowledge and love of God so the meditator may grow in inner spiritual knowledge ( c.33 , 36 ) .
11 ‘ This crap , ’ Laura took the book from Rex 's fingers and struck it with the back of her hand .
12 The wounded bird plummeted to earth like a dive-bomber , its beak piercing G. F. Westerby 's chest and pinning him to the ground .
13 Then she took the willow twig , laid it across the bull 's withers and secured it in place with a rope tied firmly beneath the soft folds of flesh on the underside of the neck .
14 She brushed her mistress 's hair and piled it on top of her head in a cluster of curls , carefully and meticulously arranged to look quite casual .
15 The shapechanger grabbed Chopra 's hair and pulled him off the ground .
16 A chill October breeze forced its way through countless gaps and alleys in the structures surrounding them , tugging and pushing when it was least expected , lifting Diane 's hair and flicking it across her face .
17 It does not inherit its parent 's heart and remould it into a new ( and possibly improved ) heart .
18 However the plans have been branded ‘ ludicrous ’ by Southport 2000 , a group set up to help preserve the town 's heritage and restore it to its Victorian splendour .
19 She laid her hands on Peter 's shoulders and kissed him on the cheek .
20 Sharpe said grimly , then he put an arm round Lucille 's shoulders and steered her towards the ballroom where , because the orchestra had been engaged till dawn , the music still played and a few last couples still danced .
21 Lucie slipped the scarlet waistcoat off Gabriel 's shoulders and skinned him of the white silk shirt .
22 Absolutely , ’ he said , hooking an arm around the man 's shoulders and leading him from the porch .
23 Possessed for once by a spirit of happy hilarity , the Indian crowd unhitched the horses from Mountbatten 's carriage and dragged it through the streets ; British officers were lifted shoulder high and cheered .
24 He contacted her when he heard of her research into women 's self-defence and invited her to his surgery .
25 I know now what her power is strong enough to shatter a man 's mind and cast him from this world .
26 She looked for Patrick 's photograph and saw it under the sofa .
27 She reached for her mother 's photograph and laid it in the case with the rest of the things .
28 Some deaths , injuries and serious damage have been caused by young people who take other people 's cars and drive them at high speed .
29 Just when you think you 've got it straight , along comes the Fool with his pig 's bladder and whops you on the nose .
30 He intercepted the policewoman 's glance and crushed it with a frown .
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