Example sentences of "'s [noun] [verb] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sophia 's decision to pay for a private nurse was a super gesture .
2 In the meantime I have returned the draft Contract approved to the vendor 's solicitors providing for a reduced deposit of £2,600 instead of the full 10% deposit of £5,200 and I enclose one part of the Contract for signature by you both where indicated in pencil .
3 Man 's mind yearns for a rural existence — where 99.999% of his evolution occurred — but for many of us , mind and body have to take the daily buffets of urban , industrial civilization .
4 Isabel 's eyes closed for a despairing second .
5 One example of this is that the CEGB 's engineering costs for a new coal plant are expected to be 16 per cent higher than for the completion of the coal-fired Drax power station while for a new AGR it expects engineering costs to be 20 per cent lower than for the Heysham II prototype .
6 in a recent sale Rod Stewart 's Lamborghini went for a mere sixty one thousand pounds , less than half what he paid for it .
7 Jack and Miguel got their pars and it was Harley 's turn to go for a closing birdie to put him well up the leader board .
8 But the Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority has introduced a private member 's bill asking for a ten-year extension of its powers to reclaim Seal Sands .
9 Padding behind them were the demolition squads , Corran Purdon 's men held for a tense few moments in the open when every second might draw more fire as they smashed the northern winding-hut door ( 'A' ) .
10 Seventeen years later the Congregational Union 's Executive called for a Nonconformist equivalent but nothing came of it .
11 I picked up Dorothy Wordsworth 's Journals hoping for a quiet hour or two by the river while they were manoeuvring .
12 Afterwards Sharon 's stepfather appealed for a concerted campaign to end the spate of car thefts that so often ended in tragedy …
13 The grin on Turner 's face disappeared for a startled moment .
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