Example sentences of "she [was/were] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even if she were to go voluntarily before the next election , that could only be very bad news for him .
2 He became aware that she was breaking away from the window .
3 Jezrael 's body arched languorously ; her dream-self believed she was nestling closer to the Magyar .
4 She was nodding politely on the fringes of a group listening to their host talking about himself when she heard a familiar voice behind her .
5 The black velvet dress she was wearing — the weather had changed at last — set off her pale skin and blonde hair , and she was looking forward to a new academic year .
6 He asked if she was looking forward to the sea voyage .
7 She noticed her own brusqueness , but could not help herself ; she was looking forward to the army clearing him out of Rupe .
8 She was n't sure whether she was looking forward to the evening or not .
9 In fact , stimulated by the prospect ahead , she found that she was looking forward to the evening .
10 Nevertheless , she was looking forward to the food .
11 His eyes were so alive that she felt she was looking straight into the source of his pleasure — he was the sort of man who thrived on challenge and went out to meet it head-on .
12 She was faced starkly by the absolute wonder of life , and enfolded in that double-edged knowledge was the taste and imminence of death , which would be quite simply the absence of movement in the baby : stillness .
13 She had little choice but to let him draw her close against him , until she was pressed tightly into the hard curve of his body .
14 She was speaking blindly into the mirror , concentrating on smudging violet shadows onto her closed and bulging eyelids .
15 The woman said she had , and in the filing cabinet behind , but that she was searching specifically for a pair of scissors .
16 Everything seemed to be moving in fast forward , yet she was darting lightly between the moments like a Rigelian sylph .
17 She was referred again to the same cardiologist the next year and the exercise test was again negative and she was reassured .
18 Beneath it , Harriet Shakespeare 's face was huge and haggard and she was leaning hard against the woman beside her .
19 Once she was propped comfortably against the pillows Penry Vaughan sat down again and went on with his story .
20 Anne could see that she was biting deeply into the pillow .
21 She was moving now towards the sea .
22 She saw the shadowy movement out of the corner of her eye and she was still reaching for her Beretta when she was struck heavily on the shoulder , knocking the Geiger-Muller counter from her hand .
23 Earlier she had been a research fellow ( 1929–32 ) at Newnham College , now she was director of studies there ( 1933–42 ) ; she was to serve intermittently as an associate and on the governing body .
24 She 'd been driving along the A420 Oxford to Swindon road at Pusey woods , when she was hit head-on by a stolen Vauxhall Cavalier .
25 And he saw the ring , his ring , that she was wearing openly for the occasion , beside Anne Mowbray 's wedding-ring on the third finger of her left hand .
26 She had looked up ; and like the sunflowers she was facing right into the heart of the brightness which preceded the sun .
27 She was dressed casually in a pair of faded Levi jeans , brown ankle boots and a baggy white T-shirt .
28 Her limbs were unsteady as she padded on bare feet , staggering a little , towards the door , oblivious to the fact that she was dressed only in a thin nightgown , that her half-combed hair flared untidily about her shoulders .
29 The dampness was coming in , and she was dressed only in a thin T-shirt and shorts .
30 Belinda was instantly aware of the fact that she was dressed only in the silk slip that Faye had decided best captured the mood she wanted for her painting .
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