Example sentences of "she [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She might even make room for Louise on her float .
2 The Prime Minister announced on Nov. 26 that some months earlier the Queen had asked him to consider the basis on which she might voluntarily pay tax on her personal income and also take responsibility for certain payments to additional members of the royal family ; the Prince of Wales had made a similar request with regard to the Duchy of Cornwall .
3 She 'll even arrange delivery for very big items within London .
4 On page 13 MARY BAILEY already has the cichlids — but if she could just get hold of a six foot tank …
5 Oddly , despite her own feelings towards Rune , she could still feel sympathy for the other girl .
6 Just so long as the two of them were involved professionally , she was at ease with him , but once that link was severed , she could only feel antagonism towards him .
7 There was so much about her that Louise admired , she could only suspend judgement on the rest .
8 It terrified her , that she could so lose control in the arms of this man who was everything she despised , who despised her , who wanted her for what he thought she was .
9 She 'd always say she 'd just put coal in the fire .
10 The organiser , too , is a woman … though she 'd rather give pride of place at the air display to another female — Sally B , a B-17 bomber , star of the film Memphis Belle .
11 It was on the tip of her tongue to say she 'd rather have dinner with a snake , but then she stopped .
12 I glimpsed what she had written — nothing extraordinary except that she hoped she would soon find deliverance from her troubles .
13 She never liked the killing of them , though , whereas now she looked forward to the moment when she would finally take advantage of his surrender .
14 Sometimes , of course , she would still get cross with her favourites , but only when their behaviour fell below an acceptable standard , when they refused invitations and that sort of thing .
15 She would never make love to him again , though .
16 There was no time to question her motives ; she just knew she would never mention fitzAlan to this man .
17 She would never forgive fitzAlan for putting her in this position , she promised herself .
18 As Employment Secretary she will also have responsibility for women 's issues .
19 Fiona 's mother says she will never set foot in France again in view of the treatment by the French towards our British fishermen , farmers and truckers .
20 In other families the mother may be responsible for the discipline and management of the house and feel she can never have fun with the child and that father seems to have all the nice times .
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