Example sentences of "she [vb past] and [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She straightened and looked up at him , at the wind in his hair .
2 It was difficult to fasten the buttons down her back as she bent and moved about in front of the mirror , powdering , moistening , curling .
3 She rose and flounced off in a swish of skirts and a whiff of fragrant perfume .
4 She rose and came over to him .
5 Then she rose and went over to the bed , pulled back the covers and slipped between the cool , fresh sheets .
6 But she rose and walked over to the table , moving stiffly because of muscles chilled from sitting in the stone window embrasure for so long .
7 Where the lawn ended she stopped and looked out across the bay , scanning the water for any sign of life .
8 When she got to the large graph that shows the state of the church-roof appeal , she stopped and looked down at the waiting crowds as if she was a victorious politician looking down on her compliant voters .
9 When she was level with the edge of the thatch , she stopped and leaned over with well practised ease to take her tin of money out from its hiding place under the thatch .
10 But after a few notes she stopped and turned round on her stool to face me .
11 ‘ I 'll get undressed , ’ she muttered and stalked off behind a bush .
12 She twisted and gazed back to where the Black Cuillins arced away in ridge after ridge of jagged stone , rearing up into a flawless sky .
13 She came and sat down beside me , and at once I felt very much better .
14 " Tell you what , lambkin pudding , pie , I mean , " she stirred and shifted about among her pillows .
15 She turned and ran back to the house before he could say anything else .
16 Bursting into tears , she turned and ran back through the wood , pushing blindly through the ferns , stumbling , hot and panting , determined to get away from Nicky so that she could try to think straight .
17 But she had gone only a few paces before she turned and stared back at the door , a strong sense of oddness — of wrongness — holding her in its grip .
18 And she turned and went on down the path .
19 Without waiting for The Fat Controller 's reaction to all this , she turned and went back to her own table , where she was greeted with little ‘ Well done 's and furtive shoulder pats from her fellow diners .
20 She turned and went back towards her house , and I walked on to Baskerville Hall .
21 A shy and tentative smile came to the girl 's face and then she turned and went out of the room , walking as surely and as gracefully as if she could see just like everyone else .
22 Then she turned and walked over to the blackboard and carefully wiped out all the chalk writing .
23 She turned and walked out of the foyer , her skirts sweeping behind her .
24 As he started the car and moved away , she turned and walked back into the house .
25 She turned and walked back down the hall to the lift .
26 She turned and looked up at Joe , and he , smiling now , said , ‘ I 'm always willing to please . ’
27 When none came she turned and looked up at him .
28 Then she turned and looked back at him , her eyes wet with tears .
29 ‘ Bad joke , ’ said Tod as she turned and looked down on us .
30 Emma had mounted the first step of the stairs and she was unwinding her scarf when she turned and looked down on her mother , saying , ‘ I would have been many things if I had been brought up in peace . ’
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