Example sentences of "she [vb past] she [modal v] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In winter when she entertained she would send him outside to chop more wood for their open fire .
2 When he looked away , she realised she would lose him for ever .
3 Although she bet she would like him .
4 She could make up a story , say she suffered temporary amnesia , or that she was knocked unconscious by thieves and all her money was gone , but she doubted she could make it sound believable .
5 Once aboard , she found she could let them off the leash .
6 The officer said she believed she could link them to the offence .
7 She imagined she could hear it at her back , behind the house and the soft green swell of land that shielded it , could hear the breaking thud of the winter waves on the shore she had not yet seen .
8 Well she thoroughly enjoyed the life , in fact right up , oh till nearly the end she spoke about Pharay and as long as she was able she used to go and she imagined she could see it better with the spy glasses .
9 She determined she would show him how generous she could be , next time , how to her the priests ' talk was cant , and she 'd defy all for love of him .
10 She decided she would teach them a lesson .
11 She knew she would probably have to say something sooner or later , but she decided she would put it off as long as she possibly could .
12 She decided she would say it , noticed how her body rearranged itself for the tone that would come .
13 Reluctantly she decided she must see it through , for Peter , and in some way for herself — she had to prove to herself that she could come face to face with Marc again and survive the ordeal .
14 But even if Fen had gone ten miles , she swore she would find him .
15 His face had been hidden in the darkness , yet she thought she would recognise him if they met again .
16 However , Betty did n't know Lord C very well if she thought she could embarrass him .
17 Hilda must have known all about it , so it just depends on whether she thought she could reform him , or whether she were content to take him as he was . ’
18 She knew she should n't speak to a strange man , but as her Brownie Guider was under a tree not many yards away she thought she could tell him about the litter that had caused the Pack to lose the use of Ferngrove Park .
19 I mean I do n't know whether she thought she could put them in the garden when she got to the new place and they 'd grow but
20 She thought she could know him as well as he knew himself .
21 Maybe she thought she could know him better .
22 At eighteen he was tending bar in San Francisco when an actress , taken with his clean-cut good looks , said she thought she could get him a scene shifter 's job at the theatre .
23 For a moment , she thought she could see it : fragile silver filaments of enchantment , gentle brittle frost-webs of something that was not quite light , but not quite solid , but somehow composed of both .
24 She thought she 'd upset you in some way . ’
25 to do Aladdin so when she thought she 'd do it this year she wanted me for Aladdin .
26 Pity for Alain 's mother had driven her to this gesture and she knew she would regret it .
27 She knew she would regret it later , but the urge to get one up on him just once was far too strong to resist .
28 If she had let this chance slip , she knew she would regret it for the rest of her life .
29 She knew she would open it , but when she did it would be as if he were with her all over again , and she would suffer so …
30 Also , she was now trapped here until he decided to come and fetch her , and she knew she would miss him daily .
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