Example sentences of "she [vb past] not [verb] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 There was a suggestion in Bridget 's tone she did not want to respond to .
2 And she did not want to talk to anyone .
3 But she did not want to talk to them .
4 She did not want to talk to her friend about Jamie , and she did not trust herself to hold a lengthy conversation with Bridget without mentioning his visit .
5 She did not want to go to the beach because the beach meant the bikini , and spending all afternoon sucking in her gut and wondering why her skin went straight from fishbelly white to lobster red while all the other kids had golden tans .
6 She did not want to go to her parents through fear of her father and because she might run into her baby 's father .
7 All she knew was that , unlike Cinderella , she did not want to go to Roman 's ball …
8 She did not want to add to her mother 's troubles .
9 She did not want to appear to be eavesdropping .
10 Those things she knew about Gus Hambro which did not fit into this picture , such as his manipulations over the room at the inn , she did not care to mention to anyone until she herself understood them better .
11 D proceeded to scratch the police — officer 's arm , having previously made it clear — in colourful language — that she did not wish to talk to the police — officer .
12 Her mother , although of the mentality that refuses such places because of the price of the uniform , was luckily not in a social or financial position where she could reasonably do so , and although she was often unreasonable enough , she did not like to appear to be so in the eyes of the whole neighbourhood , so she constrained her parsimony and her innate distrust in education into selecting the less distinguished of the schools available , on the grounds that the bus fare was cheaper .
13 Work was out of the question , she could not think about it ; she did not dare go to the tower , she felt she had damaged something : loose talk means hubris .
14 It would , she felt , atone for the things she had said and mean that she did not have to talk to Julia about them .
15 Maggie spat , alarmed that the others might hear and wishing she did not have to speak to him at all .
16 Louise lost no time in telling Constance that she did not need to return to Northumberland .
17 She did n't want to go to London .
18 She did n't want to go to New Zealand .
19 Now she did n't want to go to an expensive restaurant in the West End .
20 It was luck that Anne came out on top because she did n't want to go to medical school anyway .
21 She did n't want to go to a dentist ; even her own dentist scared her , and it could n't be much — her teeth were perfect .
22 Jenna found that she did n't want to know , in fact she did n't want to know to an almost frantic extent .
23 Now she did n't regret agreeing to a meeting .
24 Her health suffered ; vagrant aches camped out in different parts of her body but she did n't dare go to a Spiderglass doctor .
25 She did n't mind talking to the doctor for a few minutes , if that was what he wanted .
26 She did n't get asked to many .
27 She did n't need to listen to the words when she could read her future in their eyes .
28 She did n't have to account to Piers for her actions .
29 Then she realized she did n't have to pretend to be anyone going anywhere when she already was herself going for a real drive in a car with two dogs beside her and fresh flowers behind .
30 The countryside was lovely , and she did n't have to pretend to be absorbed in it .
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