Example sentences of "she [vb past] [pers pn] could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In the dream she was smiling , holding out her hands to the man and the children , but her smile slowly faded as she realised they could n't see her .
2 Once Phoebe had started playing chess regularly again she realised she could probably have become considerably better than him quite quickly , but she did not want that enough to work on it .
3 ‘ Once she realised she could n't move her head , she was literally sick from terror , ’ says Janet .
4 But no matter how much she tried she could not prevent the shift in perceptions towards her .
5 No matter how she tried she could n't prevent the arm from flopping out on to the floor .
6 She found she could just catch a direct Finnair flight if she hurried .
7 When it came to the front door , she found she could n't go in .
8 While making herself a light meal , though , she found she could n't stop dreaming about him .
9 She found she could n't tell him after all .
10 She found she could n't continue , nor was she able to tear her gaze away from the dark , silky hair on his chest , only inches away from her eyes .
11 But when , together , they had pulled shut the heavy door with its iron decorated bands , she found she could n't fit the key into the lock .
12 She found she could n't tear her eyes away , and when he managed to get his second boot off and threw it to one side , then lifted his head , she was still staring .
13 She had two children who only spoke Swedish , and she found she could n't learn the language .
14 She found she could not look up at him .
15 As she heard her front door click , Rachel 's anger suddenly turned to dismay and as she turned to the window she found she could only see the outline of the cathedral through a mist of tears .
16 So deeply and dreamlessly that when she woke she could n't think at first where she was ; nor place the strange noise at the back of her head .
17 Soused herring was the standard hospital breakfast and she declared she could n't stomach that at seven o clock in the morning .
18 ‘ I can only think she decided she could not marry Fabien after all , but could not bear to tell him so either .
19 She decided she could safely leave him .
20 A long sash window framing a view down , far below , to where she fancied she could almost see the floodlit Verdala Palace and the Buskett Gardens , where the Mnarja would flow on until dawn …
21 She confessed she could not wear red as Keith did not like it on her .
22 As she worked she could not help contrasting this cheerless room with her own spare room where — had it not been impossible , she told herself quickly — John might now be lying .
23 Suppose she thought she could probably get them to school , but ca n't bring them home .
24 She was trembling , aflame with a happiness so great she thought she could never contain it as Rune discarded his own clothes with such rapidity and lack of care that two shirt buttons fell unheeded on to the carpet .
25 Or perhaps she thought she could always pretend to be a relative and come and claim me from the hospital .
26 She thought she could almost see the memories and she could certainly hear the echoes .
27 Sally knew her mother had trouble making ends meet on the nine pounds ten shillings a week that her father brought home from his job as an electrician 's mate and she did n't have the heart to plead for luxuries she knew they could not afford as Paula did .
28 So far as she could recall , she had seen no reviews but then , of course , she knew she could easily have missed them in the interstices of choosing wallpaper , driving down to Hillmarden , overseeing decorators , interviewing nannies , buying a layette and all the hundred and one other things with which she was continually being confronted .
29 He drove so smoothly and the tyres hummed so pleasantly on the tarred road that she knew she could easily have slept .
30 For the first time since she had moved back into the house , she knew she could n't face an evening with Jacob .
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