Example sentences of "she [vb past] [pron] [vb past] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When she realised he had no intention of following her , she paused and jerked round her head , staring at him with those glittering blue eyes .
2 By late afternoon she realised he had no intention of returning to the office while she was in it , and she had a strong suspicion that he did not trust her .
3 Caro Hunt says that at the age of five he could beat her and it was then she realised he had a lot of promise .
4 ‘ Interesting , ’ she said , when she realised he expected a comment .
5 As she climbed into the driver 's seat of her own car , she realised she had no plan in mind , no destination .
6 She pretended she had no idea what he meant .
7 But on receiving no reply , he seemed hellbent on goading her , and she found she had no chance to be passive , meek and mild , when he went on to taunt , ‘ You 're paid well , I 'll grant , but even so … ’ his eyes flicked over her good quality suit which , while not drawing attention to her figure , had been costly ‘ …
8 When she arrived at Lynx some hours later she found that the door to the office was propped open , and as soon as she entered she understood the reason .
9 While she ate he sipped a Miller Lite , watched her devour the meal as her appetite returned .
10 Then she noticed we had a child with us in a pushchair .
11 As she turned he set the horse against her quickly , its strong shoulder nudging her away in another direction .
12 She 'd been so caught up in her thoughts that the voice near her side came as a shock , but even as she turned she realised the words had n't been aimed at her .
13 The incredible thing was that she guessed he had no idea of the impact he made , or simply did n't care .
14 By the way he was wriggling on the seat , she guessed he had an erection .
15 She discovered he had a Plan .
16 But somehow she doubted it ; she was certain her interest in him would have vanished when she discovered he had no money .
17 Harker punched and kicked the girl and when she escaped he smashed a window , went outside and began to smash the windows of her brother 's car .
18 As she moved , the fabric clung to her hips , and the skirt was slashed at the front from knee-level down , so that as she walked it gave a glimpse of her dark-stockinged legs .
19 As she finished he took the needle from her .
20 When she returned she felt the need to explain .
21 When she returned she found a letter of dismissal waiting for her and a cheque for payment in lieu of notice .
22 As she watched he draped the shirt next to hers by the fire before squatting down opposite her .
23 Without causing a scene and making herself look even more ridiculous , she decided she had no choice but to do as she was told .
24 His voice was so bland she really was n't sure if he was joking , but having asked and received an apparently satisfactory reply , she decided she had no choice but to go with him .
25 There was no tea break but Mr John and a woman , who she thought might have been a chaperone , would go into a little room at the end , where she fancied they had a nip or two .
26 She thought we had the riff raff at our openings but she attracted just a much riff raff .
27 As she rang off and Sarella was left holding the phone she thought she heard a click on the line as if somebody had replaced an extension .
28 She thought she heard an owl cry , and the falling shape , black now and only just visible , seemed to sweep suddenly to the left , soaring , then falling , turning a round and white face to glance at her as it vanished into the gloom .
29 She thought she heard the telephone being used , and the soft murmur of Julius 's voice .
30 The memory was so vivid that for a second she thought she heard the echo of the slam .
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