Example sentences of "she [modal v] [adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She may well have a thing or two to teach the Goldsmiths ' graduates about handling the demands of the art world and media .
2 He or she may even know the number of consultants within a particular firm , how it has been performing , what are its key issues , how it has grown over the past year and generally what it is doing and how successfully .
3 She may also mobilize the hand , if it is tense and clenched .
4 She may also cancel the arrangement whenever she wishes .
5 Her role may be restricted to advising the carers on how to treat the patient , and she may only visit the family once .
6 Because her expectations were realistic , she accepts without rancour the fact that she must either do the work herself or employ someone to do it for her .
7 The more she thought about it , the more clearly she saw that she must somehow get a warning to Tristram .
8 But she really must send Charlie her new address and tell him how peculiar it all was ; about the strange customs , still revered because Nelson had established them ; about rooms which were now cabins , walls which had become bulkheads and a kitchen she must now call a galley .
9 What was happening to her ? she wondered hazily ; after this afternoon she should surely loathe the man more than ever .
10 But then , she might somehow get the drawing right , just as she had dreamed of playing the clarinet exquisitely enough for an important conductor , conveniently marooned in a snow drift , brought half-dead to Castle Bewick and hearing those magical notes drifting from her tower , to stagger from his couch and say , ‘ Ah what notes of fairyland do I hear ? ’
11 Technically she might also refuse a request for a dissolution , although it is hard to imagine her ever doing so .
12 She might even dismember the beast herself with the kids ' help .
13 Why , it was almost indecent — she might even have a kid .
14 I 'll phone Anne , she thought suddenly , tell her what 's going on ; the sound of her voice will make me feel better — she might even have an idea .
15 He hinted that she might even receive an honour from the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher if she gave her support .
16 With a bit of luck she might even get a place on a flight that very day .
17 If she calmed down , she might just weather the storm .
18 As long as she 'd been fighting him there had still been a hope that she might eventually emerge the victor .
19 And she added , ‘ She 'll soon have a collection , what with the Seven Dwarfs and Jack the Giant Killer . ’
20 It 's like , with Sharon Stone , even at the end she was still dependent on Michael Douglas , like , when he was going she was crying and she could n't kill him at the end cos she loved him so much and , you know what I mean , so no , Body of Evidence , it 'll probably have a rubbish end and she 'll probably marry the lawyer or something , but it was still good to see her beat , tying a man up , putting candle wax on him and shit .
21 If someone is shielding her then she 'll probably have a bed for the night . ’
22 She 'll also make a grab for any toy that takes her fancy , even if she 's told it belongs to another child .
23 Mrs and now she 'll just have a burn out .
24 But just cut it out and then she 'll just use the back and she 'll play about with some helping to get some answers to these fractions
25 And when she 's off on the piste she 'll doubtless miss the Press lads following her around calling her an idle good-for-nothing .
26 She 'll certainly suit the uniform , ’ she said .
27 I do n't think she 'll ever get the butterfly right
28 She says she 'll never forget the robber .
29 ‘ Jake 'd have wanted me to see her right ; but she 'll never take a penny piece off me … ’
30 Well she 'll never get a size four on , my boots .
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