Example sentences of "she [verb] not [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The mother has made a phone call to the hospital asking after her daughter 's safety but she has not called back as promised .
2 she has n't gone out and sold it though has she ? for one or two fairly decent names er
3 Penelope Fitzgerald 's prose is as clear as glass , and you realise how much she has n't said only when you stop laughing .
4 Sarah was worried because it was getting late , and when at last she was out of the hospital she started walking quickly towards Clerkenwell , but she had n't gone far before a hackney cab drew up .
5 She had n't gone far when she heard Nick wailing behind her , ‘ Carrie , wait for me , wait … ’
6 She set off with only a little food and she had n't gone far when a small boy appeared right in the middle of the road .
7 She had n't gone far when Alain joined her , and he simply matched his pace to suit her own , saying nothing at all .
8 She had n't guessed then that the woman 's voice was Timothy Gedge 's .
9 It was absurd that she had n't guessed straightaway and absurd that he should be standing in a telephone booth somewhere , talking about a queue forming .
10 She had n't slept well and she was lonely .
11 Stupidly she had n't looked further than the retrieving of it and returning it to Jonas Hamilton .
12 She had not moved more than a few inches when one of the men broke free , his fist smashing downwards .
13 As she moved slowly however it became apparent that her tall , slender stance was one of self-defence , not defiance , and she had not taken more than two steps when he was across the room hovering over her .
14 She had not taken more than two steps before fitzAlan caught her .
15 She had not looked up when Nick came into the garden .
16 I set her the first day to clean the floors starting at the top and expecting her to reach the bottom at the end of the day or at least the last floor , but Ellen she had not managed more than two rooms in eight hours and those not well done .
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