Example sentences of "she [verb] [vb pp] that she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On more than one occasion she has admitted to being very intoxicated and I understand that she has stated that she had consumed about 24 single measures of dry Martini and lemonade , together with some white wine .
2 It was n't until after she 'd left that she 'd noticed his name on the football reports .
3 But Marian continued to feel for some time that uneasiness in the legs which she knew meant that she wanted to run , to get away fast .
4 That , and the discovery that she could not bear a man near her in the early days after the rape ; so she had feigned an illness , explained as the consequence of her breaking her engagement with Havvie , which , of course , had caused an immense furore inside and outside of society , and Mama and Papa had put off their visit to England , and sent her loving letters , for she had written that she had discovered that she did not really love Havvie at all , had merely been beglamoured by his appearance , name and title .
5 She forgot that she had decided that she did not love Johnny and wanted him out of her life .
6 She had decided that she wanted to go to London , take some A-levels up there , and then , she hoped , go on to university .
7 And why did the impact of his presence provoke such an undeniable response in her when , earlier , she had felt that she had everything under control ?
8 Over the last months , she had realized that she had to leave home or something terrible would happen .
9 In a £500,000 damages action at the Court of Session , she had said that she had had a collapse after being injected with anaesthetic drugs in the operating theatre .
10 Rose , for her part , thought that McAllister talked funny , and when Sally-Anne had told her that she came from the United States of America she had stared at her as though she had said that she came from the moon .
11 That , and the discovery that she could not bear a man near her in the early days after the rape ; so she had feigned an illness , explained as the consequence of her breaking her engagement with Havvie , which , of course , had caused an immense furore inside and outside of society , and Mama and Papa had put off their visit to England , and sent her loving letters , for she had written that she had discovered that she did not really love Havvie at all , had merely been beglamoured by his appearance , name and title .
12 It was n't until after she had spoken that she realised how violently she had reacted , and it shook her .
13 She had forgotten that she telephoned to tell Scott the news of the trust .
14 Pressed by the nuns to complete a kettleholder in cross-stitch as a present for her father , she had replied that she had never seen her father holding a kettle and that Daddy had gone away .
15 At the weekend she had visited her parents ' home and spent some time with her sister , Jennifer , but she had found that she had been unable to tell them about David Markham .
16 She was surprised , because she had thought that she had a vocation not to marry .
17 The fact that she had implied that she intended to withdraw from the arrangement as soon as it was convenient did not matter , Jehan thought , unless Alexei 's character was to provide the excuse …
18 You know she 's doing the count down little red things she 's got that she swallows she 's down to five , I think it 's five .
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