Example sentences of "she [verb] [vb pp] [pron] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I expect she has asked you to tell him everything that has happened , and persuade him to make friends and thank me ?
2 But after a little gentle persuasion , she has allowed me to tell you she is Maggie Lomas , the regular director of our main news programmed She knows me pretty well by now — after all , we 've worked together for more than 20 years , including the recent series of " At Home " programmes .
3 He had forced his way into her life , arranged things so that she 'd had no choice but to do his bidding — and as soon as she 'd done something to make it clear that she was still her own person and not his , he 'd humiliated her .
4 He 'd woken that morning , lying beside Vanessa with a hard-on she 'd wanted him to pleasure her with , and had stupidly refused her , knowing he had a liaison with Martine that afternoon .
5 Much more to the point , why had n't he said he knew Charlotte Hanover when she 'd asked him to accompany her here this evening ?
6 Dick cross dresses , confesses he hates women , admits that he once shook Lulu 's hand in 1962 , ‘ If she 'd asked me to marry her , ’ said Dick , smoothing down his silk stockings , ‘ I would have said yes . ’
7 Well , she 'd badgered him to let her come along ; she could take cold , muddied feet and be thankful it was n't worse .
8 Could she have done anything to save her ?
9 She had nagged me to accept it , but now she behaved as though I had done her a disservice by doing so .
10 Presumably she had seen nothing to deter her from taking a closer look .
11 But that was before she had taught herself to hate him .
12 Her parents were still concerned about her and she had asked them to accompany her for this first appointment .
13 Only Mrs McMahon could still be affected — and she had asked her to keep it a secret .
14 Presumably on the basis that it could not involve James , she had asked him to join them for supper .
15 Beyond all reason , she had wanted him to believe her .
16 How she had wanted him to kiss her , she did n't know what it was like to be kissed and Craig Grenfell was such a handsome man .
17 And she had done nothing to stop him .
18 But she would n't take the blame , because she had done nothing to encourage it .
19 Why did everyone want to put her in the wrong when she had done nothing to deserve it ?
20 Except , of course , she could never — ever — tell them what that folly had led to — even if , looking back , she could now honestly say that she had done nothing to provoke it , that she could have expected anger from Havvie at her changing her mind , but never that he would do as he did .
21 She had done everything to please her loved ones : violets laboriously gathered — she squeezed their overheated remains in her pocket : the double butterfly , so unkindly rejected and expelled ; the pigeons , sated and uncaring before her own hands could minister to their hunger and earn their cooing gratitude .
22 She had expected him to lead her around the side of the house towards the gravelled front courtyard ; instead he headed in the opposite direction , down through the wide grass path into the garden itself .
23 She had expected him to leave her but he stayed watching her quietly , picking a biscuit off the plate himself , sharing her milk when she offered him the glass .
24 Mr Sunderland himself had driven her home in his car , and she had begged him to leave her at the gate so as not to alarm her family .
25 She had found nothing to enlighten her about either Amy or Marr , only the powerful presence of dead Dersinghams .
26 She had allowed him to entice her into what was , to him , nothing more than a seduction scene , where she had been primed and ripe for the taking .
27 He had not seen her since she had attacked him to stop him hitting Oliver .
28 She felt even worse when she saw Stephen 's girlfriend in church , flourishing the engagement ring she had persuaded him to give her before he left to organise a factory in Newcastle for his firm .
29 Even though in giving advice to her brother 's wife she had told her to forgive him for his infidelity and take him back , which is what Karenin was doing for her and exactly what she did n't want .
30 She 's done nothing , she 's done nothing to hurt you .
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