Example sentences of "she [verb] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 She realised they 'd want her to be a double agent , so they 'd have a mole inside American Intelligence .
2 She realised he could provide her with some top-class partners and she has made the best of them .
3 She realised he could teach her a thing or two about reserve .
4 And she would provide a substitute for the two weeks she reckoned it would take her , an English maid called Phoebe Crabbe with whom she had become friendly .
5 She hopes it 'll rid her of the physical and emotional pain .
6 She hopes I can meet her at her hotel after the performance , so we can talk .
7 In the end she saw the giant fish-hooks come down down into her and she thought they would haul her out of the depths , but they did not .
8 They went into the boutique , Alyssia barely glancing at the racks of exquisitely made clothes , nodding distractedly in agreement when Nicole picked out an exotic pink strapless dress and asked whether she thought it would suit her .
9 Dane gripped her by the shoulders then , and she thought he would shake her .
10 The hand under hers clenched on the settee cushion , his face went red , and his eyes flashed such vindictive rage for a moment that she thought he would hit her , then he controlled himself , sitting silently by her on the settee , until she felt his hand gradually relax .
11 She thought he might shoot her or her stepfather .
12 For a second , she thought he might force her to respond , and she shrank visibly , her voice hoarse as she said , ‘ I do n't want you ! ’
13 Her skin was burning as she thought he might touch her .
14 It was the producer of a touring play from England , and she thought he 'd help her to launch her career in England … which of course he did .
15 She knew he would kiss her and her whole body was waiting for it , every nerve-end coiled in fierce anticipation as his free hand slid round to the back of her head , holding her there , as he looked down into her face .
16 She had not told Tony either , because she knew he 'd want her to have an abortion , and she would have refused , and this would have split them up .
17 She felt we should get her a healthier place , one where we could stay with her when we come over here . ’
18 Her mother had high hopes for her to take O-levels and go higher , so when she was pregnant , Elaine could not tell her because she felt she 'd let her down .
19 She snatched her hand away from his as if she feared he might contaminate her and stalked ahead of him , not trusting herself to speak until they were inside her apartment .
20 For one awful moment she feared he would strike her ; instead he looked down at her , his contempt far more painful than a blow .
21 Another woman , who had been summarily sacked for challenging a supervisor who was cheating fellow workers , joined the union when she learned it would help her get back pay and holiday pay .
22 She wished he could love her !
23 Arthur said : ‘ We wondered if she would like a little sponsorship and agreed that when she competed we 'd give her some meat .
24 She said I should pay her more attention , I was always round at the Club with my drinking mates .
25 All Maggie Byrne talked about was how she hoped you would accept her .
26 I thought she might not be there long and when she left I could stop her and try to persuade her .
27 Did she imagine they 'd accept her ?
28 Well , she supposed it would keep her out of Feargal 's orbit .
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